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Saturday, March 03, 2018

Jewish Life, Passover on My Mind

On Shabbat my friends and I grumbled about the upcoming Passover Holiday and all the necessary preparations.

So right after Havdala, I peeked into my fridge and took a couple of pictures. Whatever I've stashed must be eaten or thrown out. I think I have some good stuff in there. It's time to feast. And then I can start stocking up on meat, poultry and fish, since in Israel by Purim you can get lots of Kosher for Passover foods.

What are your tricks?


  1. My "tricks" are never to speak or to think negatively about Pesakh preparations. A) that is an aveira, B) it convinces the complainer to be in a foul mood, the very antithesis of chagim and their purpose (to up lift us spiritually and emotionally).

    I start Pesakh cleaning early by:

    Never eating outside the kitchen or dining room.

    Never putting books and food/drinks near each other.

    Scouring stuck-on grime under the kitchen cabinets, oven, etc. in January. Then I maintain the cleanliness weekly, to prevent gunky build-up and an emotional melt-down.

    Cleaning out and under the 'frig once monthly, and keeping the interior tidy with containers to hold messy foods (celery leaves, lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, etc. remain contained in bags or inside solid storage containers instead of shedding on shelves).

    I freeze pre-cooked foods so I can clean the oven and stove-top early, cook KLP foods early and rest up for the chag.

    Noting the "100% KLP DAY" in my dayplanner, with notes about which clean-up to do on preceding days. The notes include checking the rooms of children and all the chametz-hiding places within their reach. I even help friends with that task. Think like a child, to maximize the chametz-hunting process.

    By keeping the KLP-prep process organized, I sail into the chag rested each year, and remain awake until the end of the seder. I pity the men and women flipping open all the reading materials in their bookcases, so they can shoo out the crumbs that never belonged there in the first place. As for anybody scouring a grody oven the day before Pesakh, I wonder why they didn't learn a lesson from previous years and do that task early.

  2. Fantastic advice, thanks.


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