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Thursday, January 10, 2019

Getting Old: Ginger Lemon Water, Healthy? Prevent Constipation

Sometimes I feel like I'm counting the days to my next birthday. It's a biggie. What is really on my mind is the health deterioration many people experience between my upcoming birthday,  a new decade, and the following one.

As I pass from middle age into being more "elderly," I have no doubt that my genetic gifts will play larger parts in my health and function. I examine my blood pressure and blood/urine test results to try to guess which parent's genes dominate the "cards I've been dealt." My parents both ended their lives suffering from dementia, though totally different kinds.

There are medical professionals who agree that our genes give a simple "expiration date" for our health and functioning. Of course, it's possible to ruin our bodies, so they deteriorate more quickly. And there are accidents/injuries, environmental dangers and certain cancers beyond our control. It's also possible, though much more difficult, to stretch and optimize our life potential to stay functioning longer and more vibrantly than our genes and family history predict.

From my condition today, bli eyin haraa-not to tempt the Evil Eye, Gd dealt me some pretty good cards. Nobody can honestly call me a "health nut," though I do eat simpler, fresher and healthier foods than most people. The truth is that there are numerous and contradicting definitions of "healthy food." After trying a number of versions, including twenty-five years being a vegetarian and a couple of short tries as vegan and raw food, I now eat a rather balanced, ordinary carnivore diet, on some days rather low in carbohydrates, but I do eat irresistible desserts at least once a week.

Over the years, one thing gets agreement by most or all medical professionals. We have to prevent constipation. Or more simply put:
The "garbage" must be removed daily and best before you eat new food.
Apparently retaining the "garbage*," as I'll call it can slowly poison the system, besides physical/mechanical damage to the affected organs.

My simple prevention is drinking enough water, before bedtime and first thing in the morning. To make the water more palatable and add some vitamins, I add fresh lemon slices and fresh ginger.

To keep the ginger root from going bad, it's stored in the freezer. When I'm home, every night before going to bed I drink two giant mugs of lemon-ginger water and the same first thing in the morning. Afterwards I drink my coffee. And if you're wondering, I rarely wake up to use the bathroom more than once and sometimes not at all.

This works for me. It's also a big reason why I'm on the computer early in the morning. You need a relaxed time after waking for your body to function, get into gear. The necessary relaxation before rushing out is similar to what I recommend to young mothers who are trying to increase their milk. Just the other day, I spoke to a first-time mother, who said that she didn't produce enough milk. I told her to sit in a comfortable chair, put up her feet and either read a good book or watch movies, whatever relaxes.

Besides insufficient water, a big cause of constipation is rushing out of the house soon after waking. My early morning time, drinking lemon-ginger water, answering emails, reacting to facebook messages and blogging is a favorite time of my day. It both energizes and relaxes me. That's not a contradiction. Stressed energy isn't healthy in the long run.

I suggest increasing your water consumption. If you really don't drink any, and teas don't count, then start gradually. Tell me how you're doing. Good luck, and stay healthy. A certain amount of your health is in your control.



  1. "most or all" medical professionals do not agree on this. Some people move their bowels daily. Others, less frequently. There is no ideal number, and certainly less-than-daily bowel movements does not cause fatigue or reabsorbtion of toxins, or any of the other nonsense that goofy link you posted claims.

    If it makes you feel good to drink water and promote a daily BM, more power to you. But please don't make all sorts of pseudo scientific claims about it.

    Similarly, "rushing out of the house" in the morning does not cause constipation. As a physician, I'm out the door before 0530, and thank heavens, everything works just fine.

    This is all a bunch of nonsense.

  2. You're lucky. Some people have to learn to make time to eliminate

  3. Nice post.Keep sharing. Thanks

  4. Good post! And, yes, you are correct about the reabsorption of toxins if waste is not eliminated. I’ve been working with functional holistic doctors and healing centers for many years which also recommend coffee enemas to clean out the colon of old material and to help detox the liver. It is an amazing health practice which no one should knock until they’ve tried it, no matter what health background.

  5. Shari, thanks. Isn't it nice to know that coffee isn't evil?

  6. i tasted it this morning for thé first time, love it.Thanks batya. חנה מהר חומה, ירושלים

  7. Enjoy in good health.


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