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Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Do You Still Watch/Have This?

A lot of people are in shock that this is our television. I'm curious to know who else still watchs one of these. If you do, please let me know in the comments, thanks.

As far as I'm concerned, as long as it still works, it's a shame to get a new fancy modern one. The "companion" is the DVD player on top right. I have an enormous collection of DVDs, some of which I've seen dozens of times. There are people who like to reread books; I like to rewatch movies. Who else watches DVDs?

One of the reasons I don't want to rush into buying a newfangled television is that I'm afraid it won't fit into our special cabinet space, although our sons measured and insist that there's a small size that will. Of course, buying a newfangled television will require signing up for a "deal" and learning all sorts of new tricks.

I never say never... Will it be sooner than later?


  1. How very modern of you! DVDs....we are watching videos on a video player....not even a tv! It’s black and chunky and very small. It sits in our spare bedroom. There is one old armchair in front of it! I prefer re reading books, but occasionally watch a video of a film I’ve seen many times! I do watch cookery programmes on tv, but on my iPad!

  2. I like the location of the tv, since I can work in the kitchen or sit in the livingroom, all in easy view of the screen. I can also walk around. One of the reasons I don't like going to the cinema is that you have to sit still for a few hours.

  3. Yes, that’s why I like to watch on my iPad in the kitchen too!


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