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Monday, October 07, 2019

Succah Up Early

Yesterday one of our sons came by to help my husband put up the succah. First I treated him to a nice meal, soup, chicken and all the trimmings. Then they got to work.

As you probably notice, the decorations sort of survived the year in the storage room. So we really don't have too much else to do.

I even cleaned the plastic chairs, since we had a pre-Yom Kippur Shiur, class, in the house afterwards. And then I gave the leftover cake and some watermelon to the lovely young yeshiva student who taught us.

Baruch Hashem, thank Gd...


  1. Batya, G’mar Chatima Tova! May you be sealed in the book of life! Keep writing as I so enjoy your posts!

  2. Sandra, thank You! Gmar Chatima tova.


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