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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

One of My Favorite Books, Madeline, Filmed

I loved the book Madeline when I was a child. Like many, since it's in rhyme I had it memorized. And then I read it to my children.

And now I've read it for the public on facebook. This is the only way I can read to my grandchildren, now that we're in corona virus lock-down, a quasi-quarantine.

My plan is to read more books on facebook live. Tune in. I hope you enjoy.


  1. Batya hi! I also used to LOVE Madeline. My copy got messed up, and I had to decide whether or not to try to save/replace it. After reading it, I decided not to do either. I just discarded it. It must have been better in French, but the book was not nearly as attractive as I remembered it. Thanks for the nice reading. You should use a better camera. Even your web cam would be better than the camera on your phone, which is narrow; unstable; and blurry. A suggestion for your next offering: one of my favorites, The Little Engine that Could. Maybe I'll do something like this, too. But even my KIDS barely speak English, much less my grandchildren! I read to them in English and had to translate!

  2. That was another favorite of mine. Thank Gd all my kids are now bilingual, but not the younger grandchildren. I use English with most. The hs students are good enough for the "native English" group, B"H.


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