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Monday, December 28, 2020

Awaiting Replacement from SHEVET Beer

When I was in Ariel not long ago I ended up shopping in the liquor store near the Rami Levy. I was actually in the market for some whiskey on sale, which I bought. In order to get the special sale price I had to join their "club." Of course, since I've been mentored by the beer maven Doug Greener, I had to check out their Israeli craft beer selection, too.

Following the recommendation of the rather amused young man manning the cash register, I went for the special sale/deal of two SHEVET beers. I was impressed by the "collar" showing that they had won prizes. This Wee Laddie | Scottish Ale 5.5%  had been awarded the Bronze Medal (3rd prize) in the 2020 London Beer Competition. I figured that if anyone knows beer, it's the Brits. 

Yes, the percentage of liquid beer to foam was pretty pathetic, and I had to keep waiting until I could pour more and for it to liquify. Then I'd pour more and wait yet again and again.

Apparently there was a problem with the bottle I had bought, and they've promised me a replacement. I'll blog again after receiving it.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Torah Tanach Bible Commentary, Tale of Two Robes, Joseph and Samuel

Friends and others who have learned Torah Tanach Bible with me over the years, or has it already been decades, know that I tend to notice what others don't. Rarely a teacher much more scholarly than myself will say that one of the sages chazal wrote something similar, but usually my "inspirations" are met with various forms of incredulity. I guess my mind works very differently from most. And I wasn't raised on the usual "sipurei Torah," Torah stories a mishmash of drash commentaries frequently far removed from the pshat actual text of the Torah Tanach Bible. 

Recent Torah Portions of the Week, Parshat Shavua, have mentioned the special coat that Jacob gave his favorite son Josef, the first born of his favorite wife, Rachel. This coat caused terrible jealousy among Josef's ten older brothers, and Josef had no clue as how to lower the tension. Actually, neither did Jacob. That coat became a symbol of the hatred between the brothers, and it was brought all bloodied to Jacob after the older brothers sold Josef to Egyptian merchants.

Compare that robe, the one Jacob gave Josef and the one (actually many) Hannah gave Samuel. Jacob gave one that didn't "fit" causing problems, while Hannah gave Samuel, whom she had sent to "study" with Eli the High Priest in Shiloh, a new one each year to suit his "size."

I picture Hannah teaching her precious son each year when she visited him in Shiloh. Not only was each new robe the correct size for Samuel, but her instructions suited his age and development. That's how Samuel became the great leader, Samuel the Prophet, who was privileged to anoint the first two kings of the Jewish Nations, Saul and David. 

Food for thought. What do you think?

Monday, December 14, 2020

Perfect Visit to Tel Shiloh

 Today my husband and I took visitors to Shiloh Hakeduma, Tel Shiloh. I was happy to see lots of tourists there, Israelis, Jewish. There was a time when most of the tourists were Christian visitors from abroad. Now after close to a year living under the threat of COVID19 aka Coronavirus, foreign tourists don't come to Israel. Nobody wants to waste two weeks of a vacation in quarantine. Besides that, those who administer Shiloh Hakeduma have been working hard to bring more Israelis to see our local Biblical archeological site. From the buses and cars in the parking lot, it's clear that they are succeeding.

Today's Shiloh and the Biblical Shiloh are one and the same. It's where the Mishkan, Tabernacle -the forerunner of the Holy Temple- stood for close to four hundred years. Shiloh is where Chana prayed for a son and then was the location she took her son, Samuel to for his education. Shiloh Hakeduma is a wonderful place to spend the day.

Before you see some of today's photos, here's contact information: Phone: 02-5789122, visit@telshilo.org.il

Sunday, December 06, 2020

Alexander Green aka IPA Definitely Great Beer


I must admit that I bought the Alexander beers, because they were among the less expensive of the Israeli craft in one of the local supermarkets. Unlike the Jerusalem store where I had gotten my Shapiro Beers, in this store each brand was a different price. I'm glad that I have found a source for good craft beer at a decent price not far from home. And now I have two "favorite" brewers who are large enough to sell to supermarkets and specialty stores.

Another confession, I had no idea what Alexander had meant by "green," but I really liked the beer. So, no surprise, I consulted my beer mentor, Doug Greener the beer maven who informed me that Alexander Green is an IPA first produced by them before Israeli craft brewers were using the term. That shouldn't have surprised me, because I do like a good IPA, but I'm not professional enough to recognize them by taste. Maybe now I will be...

OK onto the beer, enough introduction-

As you can see, the beer pours to a gorgeous golden brown and just enough, but not too much foamy head. There's a clean, pure hop aroma and taste making it the perfect beer for us purists. I'm looking forward to sampling more of Alexander's craft beers.

Wednesday, December 02, 2020

How Would I Survive Without Crocheting?


I've been having so much fun crocheting. I've discovered a whole new world of creativity. Besides the potholders, hotplates and bags, I've made a  bunch of  "mask holders," too. I have two packages, of 50 masks each, tied into this one. Our disposable mask supply had needed some organizing. I bought myself two pretty colors for the same price as the pale blue. My husband is sticking with the blue and doesn't want a crocheted holder

Crocheting is just mindless enough not to interfere with my concentration when listening to classes. By keeping my hands busy, it actually helps me concentrate. I'd also be happy crocheting while watching tv or movies on DVD/tv. The only thing that stops me is the expense of the yarn. I'd finish of a batch too quickly. And then there's the other problem. Not all that many people are really interested in my creations. Recently I gave one to a young woman who volunteers as an emergency medic and needed a nice special bag to carry her phone on Shabbat.

No doubt that I'll find more people who appreciate them, Gd willing. In the meantime, I'm having fun.