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Monday, February 15, 2021

Let's Hear Something Good, Life Under COVID Corona

Watching a class on Zoom
Last night I participated in a wonderful Zoom Family Reunion with lots of cousins from my mother's side. My branch of the clan is the only one in Israel, besides one cousin's granddaughter presently on a year's program. The rest are now spread all over the United States. Not all even live as Jews anymore, but we're all family. This was the second time we've done one of these Zoom Reunions, and considering logistics, finances etc., there's no way so many cousins could ever get together f2f, face-to-face. Zooming is easier.

That's why I decided to write about the "blessings," good things that we are now able to enjoy because of COVID corona. And of course all of these can be continued once it's safer to socialize and travel. I have no doubt that all of us can think of at least one thing that has gotten better. You're all invited to add your 2¢ two cents or more in the comments.

  • ZOOM- I had never heard of Zoom before the first COVID Corona lockdown, and now I Zoom daily. All sorts of classes, meetings and reunions are done via Zoom. 
  • video calls- Video calls have replaced f2f face to face socializing, too. You can't get as many people/participants on most of the apps, whether telephone, facetime or WhatsApp, but they generally don't need an additional application and can be done on most smartphones.
  • no traveling- Now that we're not traveling, my study group and I meet daily, instead of weekly. During this past year, we've learned more than five times the amount of material we could have learned if we had still been learning barely once a week in Jerusalem.
  • seeing the world on a screen- There are many people taking virtual tours, instead of packing up, spending a lot of money on flights, hotels etc. Even when they send in a "tip/payment" to the guide, it's a tiny fraction of what real travel costs, and a lot less exhausting.
  • attending classes or events that once would have been too far to get to- As this year's Matan program began via Zoom, one woman in the audience happily announced that she had always wanted to attend lectures by the teacher, but distance had made it impossible. Now she's overjoyed to be able to attend without the need to travel.
  • masks and general health- Many people, including yours truly, have noticed that we've gotten through the winter without the usual colds and flu. Masks and social  distancing have kept us healthy. Not only do they protect against COVID corona, but hospitals and medical authorities are reporting much fewer flu and other winter illnesses. Asians, who've been wearing masks routinely for years, have been proven right. Here in Israel, at least, the price of masks has dropped considerably. 
  • less money saved on weddings and entertaining- The cost of weddings and other "event" entertaining had gotten outrageously high. Keeping up with the Cohen's pushed people into spending more than they had. Now that it's forbidden to attend large events, downsizing is the rule. The new added expense is "live streaming," so your guest can attend without paying for their food.
What would you add to my list?

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