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Thursday, January 06, 2022

Better Mask-Tying Makes Better Protection


I'm not exaggerating to say that a very high percentage of those who wear masks as protection against catching of possibly inadvertently infecting someone with COVID corona wear their masks so loosely that they are almost totally useless.

Even those whose noses are covered, sometimes wear their masks very loosely. One weak sneeze and it's gone. There's another problem with loose masks, fog. Yes, since there's no real barrier between one's nose and glasses, for those who wear them, especially in cool weather we find our glasses fogging up.

And using the elastic behind the ears can be be quite problematic. Earrings and even hearing aids can get dislodged and disappear. 

Now that I've joined the hearing aids set, I have to be very careful in how I wear my mask. I now tie the mask with a long shoelace or jersey yarn from my crocheting projects.

I find this the best way to keep my mask on. It's not all that difficult to do. 


Let me know of your successes.


  1. I've always had trouble with the mask loops behind the ears. They conflict with my glasses, and when I go to the gym, they conflict with my headphones. The earloops get looped around the headphones.

    I was able to pick up some KN95 masks with loops that go around the head. These need to go on OVER the head (both straps) and seem to be a bit better at staying on. They also conflict with the headphones, but not as much.

    Not really sure which I like better.

    May Hashem grant refuah shelayma and protection to all, and may this virus mutate into something less hurtful.

  2. For a good fit, tying them is best, since if they sag, they're almost useless.
    I'm glad you found a solution.
    I do think the virus is getting weaker in terms of health danger, though it's now more more contagious.
    Some of us will just go "Asian" and wear masks when with others.


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