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Thursday, April 11, 2024

WHITE RABBIT's Day Dream's a Dream

All photos, photographed by me

WHITE RABBIT invited the Beer Maven, Doug Greener. and the tasting crew -including yours truly, plus Jerusalem Post staff to its Tel Aviv brewery last week. We got onboard the train in Jerusalem and in no time we were in Tel Aviv. 

To be honest, I can't remember the last time I had been in Tel Aviv and hadn't a clue as to where in Tel Aviv we'd be. I trusted Doug to find the way to the brewery. And I certainly had never taken the train to Tel Aviv, though a friend and I once took it for free to Ben Gurion Airport when it was in "the running-in period." 

After leaving the train station, we needed a couple of stops on a bus, and there we were in their spic and span white and polished brewery. Just know that it wasn't in the neighborhood of fancy geometric modernistic skyscrapers. 

We were treated to some fresh salads and a variety of their beers. 

In addition we received a tour of the brewery with lots of explanations and stories from those in charge.

As you can see in the photos, White Rabbit's equipment looks very impressive. To preserve the quality of their beer they only sell to shops and pubs that promise to keep the beer cooled, rather than just cooling before serving. 

It was explained to us that their beer is a natural drink without chemicals to keep it stable and fresh-tasting. I prefer beer over wine, since wine has sulfites which aren't good for me.

The three beers we tasted were all versions of IPA, including a NEIPA, and by the time we left I couldn't really distinguish any differences. The only thing I knew for sure was that all the White Rabbit beers we tasted were delicious, Day Dream 5%, Ten Feet Tall 7% and Feed Your Head which is the NEIPA 7%.

Since we were given gift packs of their beers to take home, I decided to drink them on their own to get a better feel for the flavor. On Shabbat I drank Day Dream, which has a nice strong fruity aroma. The taste was flavorful, perfect for a summer morning, and the low-ish alcohol content was good, too.

You can order White Rabbit online, not just in bottles. There are various "dispensers." If you want to contact them  Telephone 03-6242783, or email Info@white-rabbit.co.il.

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