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Monday, December 20, 2004

continued 19-12 and to be continued

I realize that I wasn't clear about the difference betwen "l" and "b." "L" means "to," and "b" means "in." In the Hebrew there's no comma between any of the first three words in the chapter/verse. "Ranenu tzadikim b'Hashem." The tzadikim are joyful in G-d, by being with G-d and G-d's instructions. That's how i always understood it. Maybe i'm wrong.

Nissan quotee the "Yalkut Shimoni" on Shmot, Exodus, Chaper 9. The evil ones don't get "songs" or can't sing until they've suffered. They must see G-d or G-d's power when they're punished, only then, when they understand can they sing. A situation when man sees G-d.

I admit, that it's still not clear.

Then he talked about how a seller must always give a little more for the customer's money.

Bereishit, Genesis is known as the "sefer hayashar," the straight book, only three very basic mitzvot, commandments: p'ru urvu (multiply/reproduce), brit milah (circumcision), and g'did nashe (not eating around the ligament in the leg of the animal.)
Because before learning Torah, we must learn mussar, values and proper behavior.

more tomorrow....

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