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Monday, December 20, 2004

t'hilim, kohelet 19-12 psalms and ecclesiastes

Small group this week, we'll be changing to Tues. from next week. If anyone can get to Shiloh for it, please let me know.
T'hilim XXXIII, 1
Ranenu tzadikim b'shem Sing joyfully, righteous ones, in (because of) G-d
question, why "b' " instead of "l' " Hashem?
Honestly, it doesn't seem strange to me, but this is how the shiur began, and as usual, it took me awhile to get into it.
I'm not going to copy the first few lines, which describe finding joy in G-d with music, because I'm convinced that I found G-d that way, with singing and dancing. I'm a "kinestetic learner," as it's popular today to describe the different ways students absorb learning. You have the visual, audial and kinestetic, like me. For me the overwhelming singing and dancing reached my soul at NCSY and YU Seminar events. I didn't feel right arguing with Nissan, since it's so individual and he had planned the shiur around this "question."
I'll leave this introduction to ponder for a bit, and if anyone knows of an internet site to use to copy the texts in Hebrew, transliterated and translated, I'd appreciate knowing.
I'll post this and get back to it all later and continue....

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