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Monday, October 03, 2005

consider this personal

Shannah Tovah
to All of You
Gmar Chatimah Tovah
and I Ask Forgiveness
if I've Hurt or Offended You
In Any Way
Chag Sameach


  1. L'shanah tovah and chag sameach.

  2. Periodically, I remember the Barton Brothers comedy team and their album that broke me up all the time. I break into "Joe and Paul" which was their parody of Jewish radio commercials in NYC at the time.
    SO, I forgive you for anything and everything. But never, never, never visit someone without bringing a piece cake. Nu?

  3. Lubavitcher? With that last name? Oy! I krechts with the pain it's given me.

    G'mar hatima tovah. You should have a meaningful fast. I never wish anyone an 'easy' fast since the purpose of fasting is to afflict the body to force us to more deeply be present for tshuvah and tfillah, Yes?

    My father's goyische name confuses others and got me in trouble in yeshiva. I got laughed at. But he who laughs last, didn't get the joke.

    I forgive you my dear lady. You are forgiven. Truly.

  4. Who's Lebobitch? Not me.


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