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Monday, October 03, 2005

last words of the year

A couple of news items leave me feeling ill, so I'll leave you with this until after the holiday. Why should I suffer alone? Sorry.

Even within the same regions there are differences in the ghetto walls. The Gush Etzion Region will be divided by the wall, which won't provide security, only riches for members of the ruling mafia. Those left out are protesting, but their regional head, Shaul Goldstein, suggests they just keep quiet.

Just yesterday was Avihu Keinan, HaYa"D's yartzeit, memorial day. (more on Shiloh Musings) His father's mission, since Avihu's death has been to protest the perverse/false morality practiced by the Israeli Army. Yesterday the army donated food to our Arab enemies. This is on the eve of our holiday, when thousands of Jewish Israeli families are homeless and poverty stricken.

And this is how we, the Jewish People and Jewish State, are ending a horrible year.

Baruch Hashem, on the personal end things were much better. We're one person richer, since Porat Rivka was born before Purim. And other good things have been happening.

But it's hard for me to ignore the horrors happening to good Jews and our wonderful Land.

B'ezrat Hashem, shannah yoter tovah.

G-d willing this should be a much better year!

Chag Sameach


  1. Yes, G-d willing it will be. L'shanah tova.

    It is rather shocking they gave food to Arabs when Jews are starving. I'm scratching my head over that one... to put it mildly.

  2. G-d willing a wonderful year, when Jewish mercy will be used to help Jews.


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