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Sunday, February 19, 2006

Near but far, or am I just lazy?

Last night I should have been partying in Eli, just a mile or so up the road, plus the mile to the road and the couple of miles off the main road. Door to door, I'd say that if we had a car, it would have taken about six or seven minutes, without stopping.

The son of dear friends, we've known forever, if you consider that life began even before we were all couples/coupled, got engaged to a girl whose family lives in Eli. They drove out from where they live, which probably took at least an hour or more, after Shabbat to meet the girl's parents.

At these sorts of events/parties, people start arriving pretty late, not an hour I really wanted to hang out on the road. We tried checking out if friends of the chattan, groom, who live in Shiloh were going, but couldn't find any. I also asked neighbors who know the kalla's parents, but they weren't going either.

I remained "dressed up" from Shabbat until I went to bed, but I didn't get a call offering me a ride. Maybe I should have just tried "tremping."

So let this "mazal tov" do instead, please.



  1. Anonymous19/2/06 07:56

    Thanks for the Mazal Tov and I was thinking of you all evening. It was freilich and crowded with people coming in and out all the time. A bus brought Chava Leah (the kallah)'s chanichim from Mizpe Netofa where she was 'communarit' for 2 years. Another bus brought Shayke's chanichim from Dimona and some more kids from Kfar Darom, where Shayke was madrich and communar for many years also organized themselves to get there. I would say that about 200 people came in and out at some point! B'ezrat hashem b'smachot!

  2. Sounds wonderful, sorry we missed it!


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