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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The 500 Club

I'm far from being in the mega-blog category, but I'm proud to say that yesterday I joined the 500 plus hits a day club.

OK, it's partially due to latest Havel Havelim, but considering all the hours I invested...

Maybe some people will visit again, and I know that the Kosher Cooking Carnival, which I initiated, has brought more visitors.

Enough bragging, I must finish writing the rubrics for my 11th graders' project, and then grade more tests and make up report card grades. A teacher's work is never done.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations.
    Haveil Havalim hosts usually benefit from more traffic. But they get an extra boost when Instapundit mentions Haveil Havalim. I'm glad he did.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Please visit again.