Extra portions to anyone who can identify the picture, the more details, the yummier!
Yes, here it is, the Second Kosher Cooking Carnival. In some ways the second is harder to put together than the first, since there are more expectations. I hope you won't be disappointed, but the best way of having an even better one next time is to send me more and more links. ANYTHING KOSHER!
On the Flip Side presents Kosher Traveling, which is something most of us need to know at one time or another.
Did you know that not only is Soccer Dad a whiz on the computer, but he's no stranger to the kitchen. Read his cookbook review.
A good friend recommended that I check out Sabbath Meals, even though the blogger hasn't been blogging of late. Read this fantastic post about what the ancients ate.
This looks like a great mushroom recipe; I must print it out for my son. It's from the The Low-Carb Gourmet Cookbook, by Karen Barnaby (Rodale Press, 2004).
You don't have to be Jewish to cook kosher. Try this earthquaking chocolate cake!
Now, Elisson of Blog d'Elisson, I must admit that I didn't know what Gehockteh
Leber was until I checked the link. So, take a look. It sounds absolutely delicious! And try out this feast of his!
Now for some recipes:
From Mark:
Batchelor latkes
Need White Potatoes
1) take a knife and cut long pieces
2) Put them in a plastic bowl
3) put bowl in a microwave and nuke until crisp.
4) Apply liberal amounts of Israeli honey.
5) If not full, repeat as needed
Mark actually DID this. He found the microwave essential. There is, however, a large white box in the apartment. It has knobs and 4 circles on top. Rumors are that the box is used for cooking, but I cannot substantiate the rumor.
From Carrie Devorah, DC based investigative photojournalist and podcast host
My contribution for dieters
Take a large apple.
Put in a ziploc bag. Option- dust with cinnamon.
Seal bag.
Put In Microwave zip side up. Nuke for 2-3 minutes.
3 minutes leaves the apple more saucy.
Eat from bag or place in dish. Heat fills you up and leaves you craving junk foods less.
Willow Tree gives a great creative tabouli; no need to obsess over needless details. And here's her chicken soup.
Read Jerusalem soul foodies for wonderful and tempting eating ideas in Jerusalem. I may try out an ice cream place, because their review mentions mint, uhmmmmm, yummy.
I'm sure you'll like this roast beef from AtarChef.
Following is a recipe from Fred, a true artist:
a special curried rice dish....
cook or grill a chicken, use enough pieces to serve the amount of people you wish to feed.
I usually use 1/2 a chicken to feed 2 of us. Cook a cup or rice, best to boil water and then add the rice and let it finish on a low flame or, I use a a medium flame but have a round metal tool with small holes in it, which sits on the stove between the flame and the pot.
The cooking takes about 28-30 minutes. I find with the use of the device the rice doesn't stick to the pot.
In a mixing bowl mix a cup and 1/2 of mayonnaise. Add curry...don't be shy, and some soy sauce for an additional taste{optional} some salt and pepper. mix these ingredients and then add a can of corn, or peas or similar desired vegie, a can of mushroom pieces, drained of course, the chicken and the rice. Mix the ingredients and put into a pyrex or porcelain dish, or two, for a future meal. Then bake .... I usually use about 35 minutes at 220-230 degrees in a toaster oven, and when finished I usually leave it in for an additional 5-10 minutes, on grill, to obtain a bit of a crispy crust.
Let me know when you tried it what you thought of it.
Forgot a couple of little things.
I usually chop up some garlic, onion, celery, green pepper, scallion, whatever looks
good or is in season. Also because of the kosher restriction, I left out the following -
which can be used without the chicken, or fish pieces, making it a vegetarian dish.
Beat about 4 eggs and a cup of cottage cheese, and 1/2 package of graded or
chipped cheese, usually used for pizza, and mix the mixture into the rice and
veggie dish, making a kind of pashdidah, or souffle' . Baking and seasoning
the same. I like curry, so I add a healthy amount, but for those with more
sensitive pallets, use the seasoning in moderation according to taste.
I wish I hadn't said "yes" when my son suggested making this diet killer. Not only is it delicious but it's easy to make. Things get complicated when you keep kosher, especially when you want a "drink," It's kosher; it's not kosher; it's kosher; it's...?
And now for Ezzie's cooking up a storm chicken with pineapple, which seems just perfect for a great meal!
I'm finishing this now, since I have a lot to do, and if you were hoping to get your recipe in and missed out, to paraphrase Scarlett O'Hara:
Next month is another Kosher Cooking Carnival,
bli neder and B'ezrat Hashem
So please start posting and send your links to: shilohmuse at yahoo dot com
It's the chopped liver, right? or the roast beef? or the cake? or the...?
Ok I'm starving. Any nice Jewish folks out there want to adopt me? :)
This is great! I am so hungry now!
I'd guess the pic is from the shuk on Purim... but I may be way off.
Sorry Ezzie, you're far off.
Keep those guesses coming in!
Okay, it's a protest, with green hats. The monkey is cooking up a stew, but of what? The British flag?
Batya, do you have any spare airline tickets from Montreal to Israel available so I can hop over their real fast and fress on all these fabulous delicacies? Believe me, I have no doubt it would be worth the trip.
Sorry, Michael, try Israir; they have the cheapest prices, and when you come, I'll make some "diet killer cake," or even better, my son will, maybe.
Ezzie, you're sounding like that joke about the info and engineers. Now research green hats, British flags and a cook.
Carnival of Recipes 80 is up at Sun Comprehending Glass
Thanks for organizing this - what fun! I posted my recipe for Simon & Garfunkel Chicken. -EK
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