Cross-posted on Shiloh Musings
וְאֵלֶּה תּוֹלְדֹת
Vi'eli Toldot, And these are the generations...
And this is what happened this week, death, terror attack, deaths, shiva calls... This has been a very hard week for the Jewish People.

There will be blog posts about it all in this combined Parshat Toldot Havel Havelim and Rosh Chodesh Kislev Kosher Cooking Carnival.
I'd like to remind you to please remember to send in more links, best with a sentence describing the post. And also please volunteer to host. And most important is to share the carnivals, read, comment and share the included posts, too, thanks.
Remember, you don't have to be blogger to read and comment and share blog posts! Enjoy and Shavua Tov to all!
The Kosher Cooking Carnival is a monthly blog carnival about kosher food, kosher cooking, anything to do with kosher food. I started it many years ago when a post of mine was rejected by a food/recipe carnival that wanted to restrict that edition to ham. Like many if not all of the ancient enemies of the Jewish People, that blog carnival no longer exists, but we're still cooking!
Nowadays KCC is organized on our facebook page. You can sign up to host or find out who's hosting there. Or just write to me shilohmuse at gmail dot com. The editions generally appear around Rosh Chodesh, which is the first day of the Jewish Month. The Kosher Cooking Carnival is more than just a recipe carnival. It includes posts about all aspects of kashrut, what makes food kosher, custom, recipes and also cookbook and restaurant reviews, kosher of course.
Please check out the posts, read, comment and of course share them and this blog round-up.
Havel Havelim is the weekly international Jewish blog carnival that has been appearing well over a decade. It was begun by Soccer Dad who no longer blogs. He coordinated it for quite a while. Now we use our facebook page to coordinate and publicize it. That's where we sign up to host an edition (Hint! Hint!) and see the latest news. Join the page and become part of the community. Next week's host is Yocheved of It's MY Crisis! And I'll Cry If I Need To, please send her your link with blurb to giveretgolani at gmail dot com, thanks, before Shabbat.
I'm starting with the sad stuff. When the week starts with the death of a friend,
Charley Levine, you think it can't get worse, and then the next day, the day I went to Jerusalem to pay two shiva calls, one to the family of an older woman and the other to Charley's widow and children was the day of the
Har Nof Massacre. May G-d give comfort to the families and
refuah shleimah, complete and speedy recovery to the injured.
Paula Stern's article (I just can't use the "O" word) about Charley Levine, Z"L,
Charley Levine....and the Lessons of his Life.
My memories of Charley,
Baruch Dayan Ha'Emet, Charley Levine, Z"L.
From his Betar friends,
Charley Levine z"l
gathering for funeral |
I'd rather start with this personal post, rather than the more political.
From the Women in Kiruv site about the Har Nof Massacre,
The Kedoshim of כה חשון.
Yocheved's message
Reality Check: Terrorism
Outrage! It's hard not to have a hair trigger reaction to such evil.
From the OU site:
The Har Nof Synagogue Attack: A Personal Account, by Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller
Reflections from a Har Nof Neighbor, by Rebbetzin Chaya Tavin
Real Jerusalem Streets,
Jerusalem Terror Too Close to Home
Haas Promenade in
Armon Hanaziv
tens of thousands
of Ethiopians gathered for
their Sigd Holiday celebration. |
From Rickismom, by attacking non-combatants, the Arabs are
Showing Their True Faces
A Soldier's Mother,
Disgusting BBC Response to Terror Attack
They Never Took Three Steps Back
The Brutal Har Nof Massacre Opens The Door to Clean Out The Temple Mount
Back to the more mundane.
Real Jerusalem Streets' photos bridge the joy and sadness of the week,
Shabbat Shalom: Bitter and Sweet.
Adventures of a Chief Rabbi,
Beware the Peace Offering
Shmita is Good for Spiritual Health!
Jacob Richman,
The Chanukah Page and over 500 Chanukah Videos
A Soldier's Mother,
Oh, My God...He Told the TRUTH
The Blessing That Is Israel
Yes, I'm on the beer panel |
Gail Winston,
Jewish Book Carnival, lots of book reviews of Jewish books,
Step Right Up to the Jewish Book Carnival
From Miriam,
My Blessing in Disguise…… Diabetes! Read her story, and if you need help, she'll help you.
Considering the anti-Israel atmosphere in American universities, I can see our international position getting progressively worse, G-d forbid,
The Anti-Israel "Atmosphere" on American Campuses is Not Due to Ignorance
Doug, the Israeli boutique beer maven,
Results of the Israel Brews and Views -- Porter Beer Tasting Panel,
Talman -- the friendly face of brewing and
Our first year. Yes, he has been blogging a full year. See his new banner!
Gadget for sale in Center 1, Jerusalem,
Chop It Gadget
It seems ironic to use the words “Ronald McDonald” and “kosher” in the
same sentence, but venture out to New Hyde Park, NY, and the two go hand in hand.
A Taste Of Israel At Ronald McDonald House’s Kosher Kitchen
Ruti Eastman, Memories, and the effect one person can have another after more than 40 years,
Elaine and the Soda Fountain.
Tzivia,If you're younger than a certain age, you might not know what JFK said about Israel, but you should. Find out in
9 mind-blowing quotes you've never heard about Israel and aliyah.
Are you ready for a wild ride? Author Rhonda Attar spins a mystical fable that brings out kabbalistic traditions for the Harry Potter generation. Is the book all it promises to be? Check out the
MamaLand Review: Elisha Davidson, the kosher Harry Potter –?
Also from Tzivia,
The family tree of grief – a quote
Tzivia bakes
Janis Dohmann’s (and now my) Pecan Pie
Wisdom from Sharon,
Stepping Back for a Sharper Vision
If you'd like to eat something most of us would never be able to cook at home, here's the place,
Hamotzi המוציא A non-Shuk Restaurant near the Shuk.
It's hard to believe what happened to our old neighborhood,
Bayit Vegan, Jerusalem, Has Sure Changed
Second time, just as good,
Return to Gingi, Hadar Mall, Talpiyot, Jerusalem
Dry Bones sure proves the power of a picture:
Just a reminder to please visit the blogs, comment, share thanks.
You don't have to be a blogger to be part of our blogging community.
Please share this blog carnival to all, thanks.