Two Heads Are Better Than One
From Mutt and Mathilda aka Mottel and Mottek And all of us in the Eye of the Storm A Wonderful, Safe, Healthy and Blessed Year Gmar Chatimah Tovah! Batya me-ander The Eye of the Storm the muse's pics Blog Free!Shiloh Musings |
A Jewish Grandmother: Original, unedited daily musings, and host to the monthly Kosher Cooking Carnival. **Copyright(C)BatyaMedad ** For permission to use these in publications of any sort, please contact me directly. Private accredited distribution encouraged. Thank you.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Rosh Hashannah Greetings!
The Best Things In Life Are Free vs You Get What You Pay For
There are tons of jokes about people turned away at the door, and like all jokes, there must be an element of truth.
Hat tip Frum Satire
Even our synagogue, which has no paid rabbi, cantor etc must have money for electricity, water, cleaning, repairs and building. That comes from dues and donors.
There aren't any guards at the door, nor ushers to guide people to seats. There are prayers, like shofar-blowing on Rosh Hashannah or Kol Nidre on Yom Kippur, when it's a real Chinese puzzle, but then things empty out and get more "comfortable."
It will cost money to expand, and unfortunately people aren't uncomfortable enough to make the investment. For years the "committee" has been trying to find the best and least expensive and complicated way. Maybe this year, G-d wiling.
Shannah Tovah
Gmar Chatimah Tovah
Sunday, September 28, 2008
A Roaring Havel Havelim
More jblogging news can be found on Facebook group, Haveil Havalim- The Best Of The Jewish/Israeli Blogosphere. I suggested that it be widened to include all three of the Jewish Blog Carnivals, meaning it would include JPIX and the Kosher Cooking Carnival. Of course, not all jbloggers are on facebook, but for those of us who are, and I'm very new to it, it's a forum we can utilize as a jblogger community.
So, if you do facebook, then please join the group and the discussion.
Shavua Tov and Shannah Tovah
A good week and a good year!
Biblical Adventure!
City of Refuge, by Valerie Farber, is a Bible-based adventure story suitable for all, teens to adults. Through extensive research, the author successfully combined historical, anthropological and Biblical details with believable characters.
As a long-time resident of Shiloh, I was especially interested in Farber's description of my hometown during Biblical times, when it was the Capital of the Jewish Nation. As the novel's main characters, Bat-Shachar and Tzuriel, flee to the City of Refuge, they join the pilgrims who visit Shiloh. As the plot unfolds, one learns much about day-to-day life during biblical times.
City of Refuge is an adventure story, with family dynamics, medical and apprenticeship issues, and a plot filled with twists and surprises.
The main characters are Jewish, but they find themselves in a pagan, enemy city from which it's difficult and dangerous to escape. And of course, the title, City of Refuge, hints very broadly that somebody inadvertently, accidentally, gets killed - as Jewish Law dictates that in a case of involuntary manslaughter, the killer must flee to a city of refuge.
Whenever I've learned the laws about fleeing to a city of refuge, I've wondered how the dead person's family feels about the fact that the killer is protected. The book conveys the deep human emotion at stake in an accidental murder case.
Farber also shows how the Priestly families, which had no land to provide financial support, lived.
Valerie Farber is an MIT alumnus and now lives in Hashmonaim, Israel. For purchase information, click here.
Make It A Fun Year!
Craving Techina, Easy To Make At Home
Techina, flavored sesame paste or butter. In recent years, you can buy ready-made t'china/techina in all sorts of food stores and supermarkets all over the world. But I don't like the store-bought variety.
It's really easy to make your own. Recently, I have less of an appetite for meat, poultry, dairy and even fish, but t'china or even a spoonful of the untreated sesame paste attracts me more than ice cream. I admit that if I had Hagan Daz mint chip, nothing could keep me away from that.
Health food mavens (experts) tout sesame as very healthy:
Sesame seeds are 25 percent protein and are especially rich in methionine and tryptophan, often lacking in adequate quantities in many plant proteins. One ounce of decorticated or hulled seeds contains 6 grams of protein, 3.7 grams of fiber, and 14 grams of total fat. When toasted they lose nutrients, scoring 4.8 grams of protein, gaining a little fiber at 4.8 grams, and packing 13.6 grams of total fat.
The fat in sesame seeds is 38% monounsaturated, and 44% polyunsaturated which equals 82% unsaturated fatty acids.
Natural sesame seeds (unhulled) contain 5 grams of protein per ounce, 3.1 grams fiber, and 14 grams of total fat. When toasted they offer 4.8 grams of protein, 4.0 grams fiber, and 13.8 grams of total fat.
Because sesame seeds are a plant food, there's no need to worry about cholesterol. There simply isn't any to be found within the seeds or the oil.
Tahini or sesame seed paste, contains 2.9 grams of protein per tablespoon, .9 grams of fiber, and 8.1 grams of total fat. Tahini also contains the B vitamins, including16 mcg of folic acid. That same tablespoon contains 153.6 mg calcium and 3.07 mg iron. Additional minerals include 57.9 mg magnesium and 93.12 mg potassium.
T'china is very easy to make. The basic recipe is three equal parts:
- sesame paste
- lemon juice
- water
Mix them together in a bowl or cup with some garlic and parsley. The parsley's optional; dried is fine and any other spice you want. I don't use salt.
Most people just "eyeball" the quantities. If that's too frightening for you, prepare it in a transparent glass.
- first put in a Tablespoon or more of the unflavored paste, which can be bought in healthfood stores and many supermarkets
- add a similar height of water and then the same height of lemon juice
- mix well with a spoon or fork
- add seasonings, like fresh or dried garlic, paprika, parsley etc.
That's it. The color will lighten as it mixes. Different qualities of paste need slightly different proportions. Trust your own taste buds.
You can eat it as a dip for fresh vegetables, or spread it on bread, or with felafel or really with anything!
There are very few cravings healthier than techina!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Paul Newman, Dressing That Salad In The Sky
Silent Rain, Early Rain
"The weather is never like this."
I've heard that so many times, so I decided that the weather is never as "expected," but even I didn't think it would rain so hard before Rosh Hashannah.
OK, according to the goyish calendar it's late, since we had a leap year in the Jewish Calendar. A Jewish Calendar Leap Year means that a month is inserted in the year. We have two months of Adar, late winter, early spring. If we didn't do it, we'd be like the Moslems and have our holidays change season over time.
The Jewish and Moslem Calendars are both lunar, based on the moon and last around 29 days, with slight adjustments. But to keep your seasons and dates aligned, you need a version of the solar, sun, calendar. That's why the Jewish one periodically adds a month.
So this year, our holidays are a bit late according to the solar calendar, but still the first rain is sort of wimpy, not as heavy as we've had. Just in case you don't know, it doesn't rain during the summer in Israel. There's even a special term for "first rain of the season." Sorry, I don't remember it. But I do recognize the smell. Yes, there's a very distinct smell. Suddenly I smelled it on Friday and ran out to take in the wash.
On Shabbat there was a heavy rain, but strangely, I didn't hear it. I looked out and saw everything so wet. My hearing isn't that bad, is it?
Shavua Tov
Shannah Tovah
Have a Good Week and a Good Year
Friday, September 26, 2008
An Hour Before Shabbat
I'll bring some of the food to a couple of the meals. I'll also try to have people for Kiddush before shofar blowing.
G-d willing, next year the house will be full, since it will be our turn to host the kiddies.
Just one more thing to finish cooking and I must go over the floor.
Shabbat Shalom especially to those of you who "follow" my blog wherever it goes...
The Paul McCartney Concert

Statistics Ok
I mentioned to him something that had me worried. Three women on my street, same side of the street, have been diagnosed with breast cancer in recent years. OK, not all are the same age, and all grew up in very different parts of the world, but today, they're all on the same street. And it's my street.
He said that he looks at the bigger picture, all of the women in Shiloh, how many, what ages and how many have been diagnosed with breast cancer. That's where our statistics look perfectly fine to him.
Of course, we mustn't forget that statistics represent people. People get sick not numbers.
Please pray for a full speedy and complete recovery, refuah shleimah, for Yifat bat Dina, and all others in need.
Recipe Ideas
While you're at it, don't forget Risa's Kosher Cooking Carnival.
And send in your post for the next KCC. Thanks! Remember that it's more than just a recipe carnival, everything about kosher food!
If It's Good Enough For Hesh, It's Good Enough For Me!
Frum Satire posted this cute little New Year's message:
Remember, that being a head, not a tail, can be great fun!

Have a Good Year and G-d should give you a "good grade!"
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Being A Granny
What's "kvelling?" "Kvell" is a joy/happiness/satisfaction. Some people do it outloud. I don't come from a family which praises or compliments. Nobody spoiled us either. My daughter expects me to spoil the kids more, not be strict, not be a faux mother.
So, yesterday, when the girls insisted on watching TV, I just let them, even though my daughter doesn't like them to watch.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
With A Little Help From His 100 Friends!
The 200-square-meter Royal Suite, where McCartney will be staying, has previously seen the likes of Michael Jackson, Madonna, Roger Waters, Phil Collins, Sharon Stone, Richard Gere and Bill Clinton.
About 30 people in McCartney's entourage will occupy 21 suites on one floor at the Dan, and about 70 others will stay at other Tel Aviv hotels.
That's an easy calculation. I guess that some are his production crew, others band etc. But since he has to turn a profit, it's a lot less than bigshot American Presidents bring.
Is Rosh Hashannah Really Next Week?
I won't have all that much cooking to do. I may even bake. Sometimes we have neighbors over for kiddush on Rosh Hashannah. Our shul has a half hour Kiddush break between Shacharit (morning prayers) and shofar blowing. Since we live right near the shul, it's easy to have kiddush by us. Actually, last year the shul organized a community kiddush, but we still went home.
This Shabbat we're also having a shul Kiddush, since we do it every month before the Jewish Rosh Chodesh, beginning of the new month.
Shannah Tovah, Gmar Chatima Tovah.
Isramom Debuts With KCC!!
Dig in, visit and try out the various posts she included.
It's much, much more than just a recipe carnival.
The Kosher Cooking Carnival includes posts about all aspects of Kosher food, including Halacha, Jewish Law. Please blog about the carnival, and send the link to your friends by email. KCC comes out every month, so whenever you post or see a good post about kosher food, send in the link via the carnival submission form, so it will be included.
If you're interested in hosting one, please let me know. We have some great bloggers signed up for the next few months. I'll do Ocotber, Ill call Baila - November, Here in HP- December and Ilana-Davita - January. shilohmuse at yahoo dot com
Technorati tags: kosher cooking carnival, blog carnival.
PS Risa, re: the waffles, why don't you guys come for a visit and we'll honor you with waffles!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Something New
I'm guess you're not surprised that our friendship predates our blogging. And don't be surprised if some of you were born long after we met...
No, I don't want to make too much of a deal about relative ages. So, if you want to see who else, or more precisely how they got to here, is here, scroll down to the end, and you'll find out.
Getting Up From Shiva, Jewish Mourning
This morning, before going over to my friend to "get her up" from mourning, I quickly did an internet search to check if there's something to say, along with the "getting her up and out."
Aish's site had the clearest instructions:
The seventh and final day of shiva is observed for only a few short hours, although this counts as a whole day. After the last Shacharit service, the mourners sit low again for a short time. Then those who have come to comfort the mourners say to them, "Arise." The comforters then say:
No more will your sun set, nor your moon be darkened, for God will be an eternal light for you, and your days of mourning shall end. (Isaiah 60:20)
Like a man whose mother consoles him, so shall I console you, and you shall be consoled in Jerusalem. (Isaiah 66:13)
The mourners acknowledge that the shiva is over by leaving the shiva house publicly for the first time, taking a short walk around the block with those who have come to comfort them.
So, that's what we did. And then I walked her back to her door so she could go back to her life.

Well, sort of. I'm having no problem keeping busy. Last night I joined my neighbors and some from afar at T'filat Chana, a prayer, study and entertainment event in Shiloh. I had missed the last few, and lots of other events, while I was working.

Monday, September 22, 2008
Thank G-d For Small Favors
I don't think my old yahoo does "sort" or whatever it's called, so that all facebook mail would go in a special pile, and I can deal with it whenever.
Yes, I'm easily distracted.
My daughter said that I have to make up a CV to bring to the unemployment insurance people. When I acted surprised, she asked me if I really expected them to just pay me for not working, without my trying to give the impression I'm looking for work. Hmmm... well...
I really would like a job blogging to create buzz for a business or some other writing job. How about hiring me to photograph? Nu? Can anyone help?
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sports Fans
I didn't grow up with that sort of stuff. My father's not the spectator type. I don't ever remember him watching a game, not even on weekends. My brother couldn't have watched sports even if he had wanted to. We just didn't have all that noise in the house.
But sometimes, once a year, when my parents had my relatives from my mother's side over, the cousins would watch a game of football and sometimes even bring a ball and go to Allenwood Park to play.
Davka, from the time my baby was little my father said that he looked like my mother's brothers. And they now all like football.
HH Up And Running
His struggles with Havel Havelim have made him some tough guy.
Coming Attractions
Preparations have begun. G-d willing it will work. Here's a taste of what's to come.
Join the carnival, and send in your links. Submit your articles for JPIX #19 here. Past posts and future hosts can be found on the blog carnival index page. If you would like to host a future edition of JPIX, or blog carnival is "down," email
No, I Won't Be There Either...
Even for free, I don't think it would be a musical thrill, just something to brag about. Imagine being in a crowd of thousands and thousands, loud-speakers blaring... The object of everyone's adulation so far away, he could be a lip-syncing double...
I didn't ask my neighbor, who played for/with McCartney as the Beatles were breaking up, if he'd be attending. Considering that the neighbor is in the year of mourning for his mother, a musical event isn't in the cards.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
JPost and JBlogs
Read the article and tell me what you think. No, I wasn't mentioned, but the "community" issue was.
Hitting Big Time!
I had tons of comments to an old post on Shiloh Musings, Blacks Against Obama. Apparently, sometime on Friday, it was picked up by some site and suddenly 2,514 hits, according to blog patrol. For me, that's like a million; I'm not one of the big time blogs, not even if you add all my blogs together. Of course, I have no idea how many people read The Eye of the Storm, since it's posted on Arutz 7.
What I found most interesting about my sudden and fleeting fame, was that the commenters quickly began "talking" amongst themselves, and I didn't feel any need to join in. Actually, their conversation had nothing to do with me. It was the anti-Obama black preacher, on the youtube I had posted, who interested them. As of last count, 31 comments. It seems to be petering out.
I'm sure that my numbers will return to "normal," since they didn't seem they type who would enjoy my blog.
Shavua Tov
Have a Nice Week
Friday, September 19, 2008
Something Else To Waste My Time On...
I went over to my friend sitting shiva, and again I ran back home and made her lunch. This time I cut up some onion and sliced a carrot and squash, added a garlic and oil, covered and mushed it around a bit. When it started getting soft, I added one egg, covered again and when it was ready, I put it on a disposable plate, sprinkled pepper and paprika, covered it and sent it off with my husband. So he got a double mitzvah out of his visit.
Now, I ought to make us some lunch and do the side dishes for Shabbat. Actually, it's pretty easy, sort of, since tonight we're eating at neighbors' and tomorrow we're having a few guests.
I Did It!
From what I finally understood at that Tachlis event, was that I had to keep updating my internet connections/venues or whatever they're called.
My priority/goal is to find a way to have my facebook show my blogs updated with each posting, and I guess to put some facebook badge on my sidebar. I have to join the right "groups."
So, all I can say is:
PS Twitter will come later; it just seemed too... obsessive, when I don't want something so "frequent."
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Nice To Be Nearby
Today I got to the babysitter on time, to take the kids home, while my daughter was stuck in traffic. She met us near the grocers and then she took the little ones and I took the oldest to her friend's house.
My kids never had that sort of relaxed relationship with grandparents. The visits were long and infrequent. My parents and in-laws worked hard to make an "impression." I don't feel that sort of stress.
Baruch Hashem, Thank G-d
Quick, Easy, Healthy Cooking
- Take a nice thick piece of frozen fish and put it in a baking pan
- Slice sweet potatoes or yam and put next to the fish
- Then take squash, slice and add, and then some onion
- Dribble a bissel oil and season with pepper, garlic and paprika
- Bake until ready.
Serve with a salad if you want. It really did not take long. It smelled and tasted great. I ran over to my friend with her portion and left her happily eating. I ate mine when I got home.
...While Making Other Plans
Yesterday was one of those days, at least for one of my neighbors. She called me, rather panicked, mid-morning that her TV was even worse, since a neighbor had tried to help fix it. The "Yes" technician was expected, and she hoped it wouldn't cost money to fix the connection.
A short while later she called again:
"Something really terrible happened."
"My brother just called. My mother died."
Yes, that's certainly a lot worse than a broken TV. So I started making calls, contacting rabbis, the doctor, neighbors etc. And I ran over, and at first we were both on the phones.
Within a couple of hours, a rabbi and neighbors and one of her kids were over. As the rabbi instructed us, I helped her with the kriya, the traditional ripping of the mourner's garment for her.
And then, I was able to resume my day and went to Jerusalem.
We never know what will be. Things can change so quickly.
Baruch Dayan Emett--G-d is the True Judge
Disadvantage of Multiple Blogs
I just spent all of my morning blogging writing about the Tachlis event I was at last night. No, it's not on this blog, even though it could be. I posted it on Shiloh Musings, though it would also have fit here. But I just didn't want to cross-post.
You'll just have to read all about it by clicking. If I'm pressed for time, if I find another job/profession, this is the blog which will probably suffer. I started blogging to contribute to Israel's positive image--hasbara. That's the origin of Shiloh Musings, though I write about much more on it.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Never Give Up!
If you are using Internet Explorer and you want to find the url of a
photo on Photobucket:
1) right-click on the image
2) select Properties
3) copy the url from where it says Address (URL)
For example:
You can then use this image in Blogger by putting this code:
If you want it linked somewhere, you add the
- Leora
Now, I'm trying ... again
Trouble in the Land of Blog Carnivals

and for the Kosher Cooking Carnival and JPIX:
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
While Olmert's Giving Away Our Land...
Now this is war!
Please do me a favor and click all the pictures to see what happens!
Thanks to Leora! Maybe I'll actually learn something!
Tomorrow I'm going to that internet/blogger/techie thing run by webads. They shouldn't think I'm a senile retard.

Trying Again
So here I go again:
I'm going to post a picture.
Then I'll copy the code with embedded link of Leora's picture.
Then I'm going to copy the code to my picture and another of Leora's, and then I'll try to "marry them off," sort of like building Frankenstein.
Try clicking the various pictures and see where you end up.
I hope I don't end up in the funny farm...
Well, I don't think it will work right. There's too much picture code with blogger, so I'm going to try again with photobucket. I just won't spellcheck--I hope.

Experimenting--Home Work for Leora
Now I really goofed it. I did spell check on the picture codes and that totally destroys it all.
The big, though temporary, problem is that blog carnival is "sick" again.
Emergency After The Emergency
Then she was sent home. Nice, but how was she supposed to get up and down the stairs to the toilet, bath, bedroom? How was she supposed to get dressed with one hand? How was she supposed to write down care instructions, when her writing arm was in a cast?
Apparently, things like this are regular occurrences to people who have been treated in emergency rooms. Patients are sent out not given clear written instructions concerning, diagnosis, medication, follow-up etc. And like what happened to my mother, the staff doesn't make sure there's someone to care for the patient.
B"H, my mother recovered, and when the doctor took off the cast, she asked if she could drive again.
"Just start slowly by driving around the block," he answered.
That may sound fine in theory, but my parents live on a short, narrow, dead end road, off of a very steep hill. There's no "safe block" to drive around. The hill is so steep that someone once driving me home, obviously his first time on Vista Hill Road, went into a panic at its sudden steepness, and just kept going, missing my street, running through a major road, and a miracle saved us from an accident.
Last Day!!

Chocolate Cake for Celiacs--No Flour!
1 can (15 oz) of chickpeas, rinse well
4 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/2 cup cocoa (I used the Elite)
2 T cornstarch
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
Preheat oven to 180. Spray or oil a 9" cake pan. Cut a piece of parchment (I used wax paper) to fit the bottom, place in pan, spray again.
In Processor: process well the chickpeas, eggs and vanilla until well blended and beans are finely pureed. In separate bowl mix all the dry ingredients, then add to the bean mix and process about 1 minute until completely blended.
Pour into cake pan. Bake 45 - 55 minutes, check first at 45 to see if done.
Mine took 50 minutes. Cool around 10 minutes then invert onto plate, remove wax paper. Let cool well. May be topped with powdered sugar or frosting.
Easy frosting: Melt 3 oz. of good dark chocolate, then add in 2 T margarine or butter, mix well. May add little vanilla or powdered coffee. Let sit a few minutes to thicken a bit more, then pour over the cake. To have it set hard place in fridge.
Here's the recipe's background:
Anyway, it was a recipe in the local paper. It was in the Jeanne Jones Cook It Light food column. She sates that it came from chef Darin Sehnert, the founder and director of 700 Kitchen, a cooking school in the Mansion on Forsyth Park in Savannah Georgia. (I copied exactly what was written!)
The cake is almost gone. To me it has no strange taste at all and my kids really liked it. Without the frosting for 12 servings it has 183 calories, 2 grams of fat, 2 grams of fiber, 71 mg of cholesterol, and 37 grams of carbs.
Thanks Sharon!
Enjoy, and please let me know how it comes out.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Scenes From A Wedding

Here are some of the guests. Can you name them?

Back, Yet Again
I tried to get the house back in some semblance of order. The most important thing I did, besides some laundry, was to shrink the table. On Shabbat, since we were, bli eyin haraa, nine, it had been expanded to max with two leaves. I really like it at minimum, leaf-less, so I took out both, and we now have a nice round table with a bright and cheery tablecloth.
And of course I made it to the pool for the last Sunday of the season. It closes tomorrow.
Then I rushed to get ready for a weddng. A ride was leaving from Jerusalem, and I was afraid to make my hosts late, so I tremped. Baruch Hashem, I got three great rides and then just had to walk ten minutes' to our friends' apartment, where I was given lots of refreshing water.
The wedding was beautiful, but it was in the outdoor "event area" of Kibbutz Gezer. There were difficult stone stairs and lots of gravel. It was freightening and dangerous for our friends. We ended up leaving before the main course, but we had already eaten "two meals." The reception was delicious and filling, as were the salads and first course. A nice refreshing sorbet would have been great. Lots of people from our table at least left when we did. We got home late enough.
How many meals must one eat at a joyous occasion? Wouldn't a light snack when arriving, salads and one main course be enough before dessert?
Mazal Tov to the young couple and all their family.
There may be lots of typos, unnoticed by me. The spellcheck on blogger seems out.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Back in The Saddle-- HH Rides Again!
Back In The Saddle
Returning To Havel Havelim
It has been a very long time since
They say that you never forget how to ride a bike. Is hosting a Heval Havelim the same? I hope I don't have to go back to "training wheels" for HH #182.

Havel Havelim is the most veteran of the jblogger carnivals and probably one of the longest running blog carnivals there is. Blog carnivals are like "floating" internet magazines. They float from blog to blog, like "floating crap games," l'havdil.
Havel Havelim, the international jblog carnival, was established by Soccer Dad, and is now run by Jack. The term “Havel Havelim” is from Kohelet, Ecclesiastes, which was written by King Solomon, who built the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and later on got all bogged down in materialism and other “excesses” and finally realized that it was nothing but norishkeit, “havel” or in English “vanities.” I think that King Solomon and his father King David were the original "bloggers." The books they wrote, when you take them chapter by chapter, can easily be described as blog posts. The stones they used to write on made them last, so that we can read them now. I doubt if today's technology will preserve our words for so long.
I'm trying to organize this edition in categories. Of course, you may not agree with my filing system, so please check out all the headings or you may miss out on something really great. Enjoy! And please remember to visit the various links and of course to blog about Havel Havelim on your blog to bring more readers to everyone!
I'm opening this edition with Jameel's post about the "most wanted," the men who refuse to give their wives a Gett (Jewish divorce,) in order to "chain them" Without a Gett, those women are considered married to the guys who fled.
And this announcement is second. Hopefully, you'll see it in time. Shira Salamone announces: NYC-area blogger picnic rained, er, in(doors).
Life In Israel
"Tremping," aka hitchhiking, is a very acceptable mode of transportation in my neck (not Great Neck) of the woods. Ya'aqov provides us all with a guide on how to be a good passenger.
Generally after Arab terror attacks, people are amazed at how much personal freedom Arabs have in Israel. Sometimes it's hard to decide whether to hire Arabs or Jews and where to purchase various supplies.
Bar Kochba writes about the desecration of Jewish Holy places in Israel.
Here's a very special illustrated post by Rahel about a Bar Mitzvah she attended.
Israelis think they know English and don't have their signs and labels checked, as Toby Curwin points out sometimes they're just too easy... or too stupid…
Treppenwitz writes of Right wing Arieh Eldad and Left wing Zahava Gal On working together. Can the Moshiach be arriving?
Lots of us were happy to hear that the army/government no longer restricts Jews to bullet-proof vehicles when going to Kever Rachel, but Alex King was disappointed to discover that Kever Rachel is Not For The Two-Wheeler.
Rahel writes about a great victory!! Read about the difference she made, because she filed a complaint.
A Soldier's Mother writes of her driving her son back to his base.
Sarah has conflicting feelings about the results of Disengagement.
Ahuva writes about two major discoveries made last week by a team of (sober) archaeologists, including the remarkably intact remains of a city wall dating back to the Second Temple period, as well as some pretty cool vintage bottles of beer and wine they found in the 120-year-old dig site. She also presents Jerusalem Metro Blog - A conversation with Ayala Sabag, Black Panther, of the Israeli variety.
Mother in Israel presents Young and old in Ramat Gan, yes, Life in Israel. And she also writes about Tolerance in the Religious Zionist Community.
Ahuva Goldstand presents Jerusalem Metro Blog - Israel's best kosher restaurants in Tel Aviv? Uh, no. -
"Saladness," I've never heard that term before, but Zemer explains here with some great examples.
See these two great signs! G-d willing, life should be good for all.
Life--In General
Schvach doesn't regret throwing out his TV! We've lived without during various points in our married life, most recently for a few months. Actually it was recently fixed, but we only get two channels.
A Living Nadneyda presents The Five-Minute Bedtime Challenge, which is nothing like what I didn with my kids. I'd climb into bed with the youngest and see who'd fall asleep first, me or them.
A Simple Jew quotes simple advice on Shalom Bayit.
A Mother in Israel reminisces about her grandparents' Jewish life in Sacramento, CA.
And Leora gives us some very interesting family history.
Jacob Da Jew shows us his garden!
Chaggim, The Jewish Holidays

Trust Leora to be posting about Rosh Hashannah's "simmanim" already. I'm glad she's organized; I'm not.
From Gail, there's an inspiring Jewel of Elul.
The Rebbetzin's Husband reveals Apples and Honey and Superstition (nichush) for Rosh HaShanah, adding another flavor to the tradition.
Ilana-Davita explains why she supports Meir Panim.
Israeli Politics
There's an interview with Mark Regev on Israeli Girl.
Religion and State in Israel - September 8, 2008 (Section 1) has some very interesting posts and is not affiliated with any organization or movement.
Cosmic X is posting a series called Elul Thoughts, just right for this season. Scroll through his blog for more of them. He also has a dream.
Eric sent in the first in his series of posts about Israeli Prime Ministers. This highlights Ben Gurion's life in the creation of Israel.
Jill Miller Zimon presents Finally, NYT profiles Palestinain-Israeli Arab-Israeli Jew stories of hope.
American Politics

Lady-Light provides us with a very comprehensive view of Sarah Palin in light of history and Golda Meir.
Heshy, of Frum Satire, mulls about Sarah Palin's "Jewishness." Check out the comments, too.
Soccer Dad wrote about how "all of a sudden" everyone wants Jews in their family when they're running for high office in the states, even though you don't have to be Jewish to eat Levi's Rye Bread, nu.

Ellen presents Grasping at Flags and Straws, trying to make some sense out of Sarah Palin and the Christian scene she's part of.

Smooth writes about young Welles Remy Crowther who was killed seven years ago on 9/11 while heroically helping others survive the World Trade Center terror attack.
Cosmic X remembers what happened that September 11th.
World News
My husband points out that resurgent Islam is dangerous for Christians, too. And then he puts down Marty Peretz on the Biden-Begin Confrontation.
Eric asks if there will be a new cold war.
ProfK presents What Color Isn't, which is a fascinating post about idoms.
Rebbetzin's Husband tells us about a very special wedding, a Noachide Wedding.
Frum Satire didn't have to work hard writing about the YU professor born male now on female hormones. The straight pshat of the situation is a satirist's dream. As with all of Heshy's posts, the comments are wild.
Eliya presents 17 Tamuz :: Malchut Israel 72: Saturday, a very deep look at things.
Here's an important history post by smooth, The hunt shall always glorify the hunters.
Ya'aqov posts an article by Rabbi Dawidh Bar-Hayim about proper Hebrew pronunciation.
Mrs. S. presents The Heblish-English Dictionary to help those of you linguistically deprived and think our Hebrew is "al hapannim," or full of "shtuyot."
House hunting? Are you interested in moving to the new Dotan or the old?
Daled Amos posting on Soccer Dad asks if all the pc pressure on Israel will cause security laxity in the airport.
It's generally hard to find fiction books which don't conflict with Halacha, so I was glad to read Sondra's Search.
Tikkun Olam muses on that Old "Loyalty" Question Israel vs America...
SuperRaizy presents How To Sanitize Your Little Germ Factory, something we need to know to stay healthy.
Read the Mussar on DovBear.
Is it possible that female Kashrut mashgichot would have prevented the OU meat scandal?
Benji's out of the war zone and in the puffer, and he's also endangered by Ike. And he Hasn't Had Chumus in a Week and is Starting to Shake.
Here's Praise for the Praiseworthy by Schvach Yid.
Does anyone know what happened to JRants? It comes up blank.
Yitz post an interesting post about a great Chassidic Rebbe, his hometown & his grandson. He also has a tribute to Musa Berlin & his 50 years as a professional Klezmer musician.
Rabbi Without a Cause just surfaced with some blogging thoughts for Elul.
Sammy Benoit says: WHOOPI GOLDBERG->PLEASE CHANGE YOUR NAME !! Maybe she's like those politicians who show their Jewish connections?
Read Lethal Politics: Antisemitism as Human Rights on ICJS.
In the Eye of The Storm, we discover that our presumptions are wrong.
A disproportionate amount of American Jews were accused of being communist spies during the "cold war." Was Ethel Rosenberg really guilty?
First Jack took over Soccer Dad's Havel Havelim and now Jack writes about being a Soccer Coach! What next?
Par for the course, there have been a bissel foul-ups, electrical stoppages etc, and I may have lost a link or two, so if you sent me a post which you don't see included, please let me know. I posted at least one from each blogger who submitted posts. Thanks
Please send in posts for JPIX, Havel Havelim and the Kosher Cooking Carnival.