Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I have no complaints, as long as I don't shop, about my out of work status.


Well, sort of. I'm having no problem keeping busy. Last night I joined my neighbors and some from afar at T'filat Chana, a prayer, study and entertainment event in Shiloh. I had missed the last few, and lots of other events, while I was working.
Today, I have to "get a neighbor up from shiva." I did her "kri'a," which started the shiva, week of mourning by Jewish Law.
Then I have to make soup for a family, since the wife is having surgery. Please pray for a refuah shleimah, a complete recovery, for Yif'at bat Dina.
And in the afternoon is our weekly T'hilim, Psalms, reading. Of course, besides that, I have my ordinary things like dishes, laundry, and other chores.
I also have to work on JPIX and get ready to go to the "unemployment office."

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