Presenting the Slow Fast Edition of Havel Havilim
#235, If The Count is Correct
It's the day after Rosh Hashannah, Tzom Gedalia, the Fast of Gedalia.
Havel Havelim, the international jblog carnival, was established by Soccer Dad, and is now run by Jack. The term “Havel Havelim” is from Kohelet, Ecclesiastes, which was written by King Solomon, who built the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and later on got all bogged down in materialism and other “excesses” and finally realized that it was nothing but norishkeit, “havel” or in English “vanities.” I think that King Solomon and his father King David were the original "bloggers." The books they wrote, when you take them chapter by chapter, can easily be described as blog posts. The stones they used to write on made them last, so that we can read them now. I doubt if today's technology will preserve our words for so long.

It was also pretty strange to have speakers telling us from the podium that they aren't quite sure what we do. Most of us jbloggers who showed up at the conference, even those who post infrequently, do more than rant about how the kids spilled juice or that the neighbor's dog barked the night before or that we are looking for a date. Ok, sometimes I do look for a date to reference a historical fact. Some of our blogs are very serious, dealing with politics, current events, health, parenting, cooking and Jewish Law.

Please send in posts for JPIX, Havel Havelim and the Kosher Cooking Carnival. If you'd like to host a KCC, please let me know, shilohmuse at yahoo dot com And if you'd like to host a Havel Havelim, contact Jack, For JPIX, contact Leora, . To get an idea of how to put together blog carnivals, read How To Host a Blog Carnival #1 and How To Host a Blog Carnival #2 .
I must admit that this time I haven't been sticking to my "rules." Please forgive me. Also, I hate to admit it, but I'm relying on blog carnival's time-savings help. Enjoy!
International JBlogger Convention #2 (more in the Israel category)
Let's start with name the pictured bloggers! If you know who they are, add the info in the comments.
Ben-Yehudah presents JBloggers Website An Insult to Blogging posted at Jew ✡ News, saying, "JBloggers Convention: from Itamar at Jew ✡ News"
Ariel Ben Yochanan presents Assesment post [On the Second International Jewish Bloggers Convention] posted at The Torah Revolution.
Jacob Richman presents Good News from Israel: Photos of the Jewish Bloggers Convention posted at Good News from Israel, saying, "Thanks! Shana Tova! Jacob"
Miscellaneous (It Helps the HH Host, if you "file" in categories)
Chaviva presents Passion, Fire, and Self-Respect: Part II posted at Just call me Chaviva, saying, "PART II: I wring out my frustrations with the noise and rudeness found constant in many Orthodox communities." (Part I is under "Judaism")
Mrs. S. presents Dining al fresco, the Israeli way posted at Our Shiputzim: A Work In Progress, saying, "Thanks for doing this! May you and your family have a shanah tovah u'metukah and a ktivah v'chatimah tovah!"
David Morris presents The Smoking Gun on Iranian Terror posted at Tzedek-Tzedek, saying, "New book exposes the direct link from the current Iranian Regime to the Buenos Aires terror attacks..."
Ben-Yehudah presents The "In" Siman (Symbolic) Foods For Rosh HaShanah 5770 posted at Esser Agaroth.
Shmuel Sokol presents Likud Deputy Minister Calls To Strip Arabs Of Citizenship posted at תורת ישראל, saying, "My incendiary interview with Deputy Minister Kara."
Toby Curwin presents I would take it in a heartbeat posted at A Time of the Signs, saying, "Thank you!"
In the USA, there's lots of talk about Obama's health care plan; it's better here in Israel.
My Right Word cleans out the cobwebs in the ethnic cleansing myth re: Tel Aviv and Yafo. He, also, corrects the Jabotinsky quotation.
Raizy presents How Amazing Is This? posted at SuperRaizy.
Shmuel Sokol presents Bloggers and Press Cards posted at תורת ישראל, saying, "Why the government should be careful about issuing bloggers press cards"
Ben-Yehudah presents Beware Of Governments Bearing Gifts: Israeli GPO To Begin Issuing Press Credentials To Bloggers posted at Esser Agaroth.
rickismom presents Elul asnd Rosh HaShana: For Ourselves, and as a Parent PART 2 posted at Beneath the Wings and Elul asnd Rosh HaShana: For Ourselves, and as a Parent.
Chaviva presents Passion, Fire, and Self-Respect. posted at Just call me Chaviva, saying, "I wring out my frustrations with the noise and rudeness found constant in many Orthodox communities."
David Morris presents Please Pay Me Early... posted at Tzedek-Tzedek, saying, "What makes Lema'an Achai different?"
Rivster presents The Next Link posted at Frume Sarah's World, saying, "Another milestone for this Jewish mama."
rutimizrachi presents What is in a name, anyway? posted at Ki Yachol Nuchal!, saying, "A bit of in-house fun at Key -- uh -- Qi -- Nachos U-Haul -- uh -- whatever it's called."
I guess my neighbors and I are getting older. Not everyone dies of old age, but statistically there's more of a chance of fatal illness. We're mourning a neighbor who in our "olam hazeh" way of seeing things, seemed too young to die.
Lady-Light presents Preparations on the Eve of 5770 posted at Tikkun Olam, saying, "Especially before the chagim, I miss my family. . ."
Next week's Havel Havelim will be hosted by Benji's "war zone." What war zone? Click and find out! Submit your blog article to the next edition of haveil havalim using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
And don't forget:
Please mail the HH link to all of your friends and put up a blurb on your blog to encourage your fans to visit Havel Havelim.
If there are any foul-ups/mistakes, please let me know, thanks.
Shavua Tov U'Mevorach—May You Have A Good and Blessed Week!
Please mail the HH link to all of your friends and put up a blurb on your blog to encourage your fans to visit Havel Havelim.
If there are any foul-ups/mistakes, please let me know, thanks.
Shavua Tov U'Mevorach—May You Have A Good and Blessed Week!
Kol hakavod, and thanks for the link.
.צום קל ומועיל
Great job, Batya!
Thanks for hosting and thanks for the links!
Haveil Havalim #235 Is Up!
mrs. s, and yby, thank you!!
G-d willing this will be a much better year.
Thanks, and Shana Tova! My link is up!
Thank you Batya for putting up this carnival just after Rosh Hashanah. Thanks also for including my link.
Toby, ilanadavita, thank you both. There's nothing like the great jbloggers from all over.
I am happy to confirm that the count is, indeed, correct.
Thank you. Putting up a blog on a s-l-o-w fast day is quite a feat!
Also thank you for the link.
(Hmmm...were those 'How to host' little linkies intended
(Hope your fast was easy...and fast.)
Thanks, Ya'aqov, that's a relief.
LL, hosting really doesn't have to be all so difficult. It's a good way to promote your blog.
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