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Saturday, November 04, 2006

Drinking the local wine

cropped wine 2 2011, originally uploaded by shilohmuse.

Tonight we visited neighbors, the legendary Era and Orit, who were celebrating the wine from their grapes.

Era told us that he had been dreaming of a vinyard here from the first time he saw Shiloh.

Now tons of grapes are harvested from the Shiloh Vinyards, and he offered us all a taste of the wine. A neighbor, raised in France of course, considered the local maven, gave his approval after tasting a few different kinds, each in a clean glass of course. He's our professional taster!

There was also lots of other food served, a great Saturday night party. Words of wisdom for the soul and food for the body.

ps Trekker, our ds#1 planted those first vines one summer!

1 comment:

  1. thanks, bb
    actually my baby worked there a year or two later


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