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Friday, November 03, 2006

nest emptying

succot 2009, originally uploaded by shilohmuse.

Trekker is moving to Jerusalem. It's not far away and dd#1 is there, too.

dd#3 is moving from Tel Aviv to NJ, so he's inheriting most of her furnishings; the rest will go into our attic, along with things people have been storing for over 20 years.

Actually both our basement and attic are filled with all sorts of things which aren't ours, and we don't even remember who owns them. A couple of years ago we asked friends to take their things; they came and wandered around claiming none was theirs.

Some people who were once neighbors moved back to Portugal when his medical problems made conversion impossible. They told someone else to send the stuff when they settled, but she never received an address.

But in the meantime, our house re-empties. Is that a word?

It's nice when he's home, since then I have someone to change all the lightbulbs, even the ones which need height and three hands. He also helps in the garden and does other repairs, even before I ask... sometimes.

He's a good boy. I'll miss him. I wonder if he'll let me visit.


  1. Anonymous3/11/06 10:19

    I hope he comes home often, too! I know I'll be sad when my girls go off on their own!

    Thanks for submitting this to the Carnival of Family Life. The edition will be posted on Monday.

  2. thanks
    just have to learn to enjoy it whatever

  3. I'm sure he will let you visit!

    At least it is not to far away.

  4. awww... i'm sure you'll be able to visit!

    my parents would be happy to have me out :P (not that they mind that i'm still here but there comes a time to move on!)

    shavua tov!

  5. It's actually a great location. Last night they took more stuff.


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