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Sunday, December 17, 2006

Bright and freezing

Yesterday could most easily and accurately be described as bright and freezing! Yes, a rare combo, and very tricky.

The sun was shining and the wind was sharp, very deceptive.

We're having a very dry winter. It's punishment from G-d. The people haven't deposed the evil rulers. It's Chanukah, the holiday celebrating the battle to end assimilation. It's the holiday that reminds us that we have to be Jews out of our homes and not only "in our hearts."

Chabad put up public chanukiyot at the various junctions to yishuvim here. It's funny. I always associated their activities with places which don't quite celebrate the holidays, but there are very active Chabadnikim here in Shiloh.

I, bli eyin haraa, got a good start on the Kosher Cooking Carnival. You can still send me your links.

Lots of work to do, and the kids are coming, so I really have lots of work to do.


  1. hiiiiii muse...still home sick with a rotten cold so have not stepped outside...tell me more about tagging me for that game...have a sweet yontiff and a good week..chag sameach

  2. refuah shleimah!

    You copy the list, and then you highlight or bold the things you've done. And then you tag some other lucky bloggers. Mention/blame who tagged you of course, and send me the link.


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