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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Bus update

Or should I call it downdate. That's because the "public servants" here decided to let Egged cancel all service to our neighborhood. Less than two months ago the hell began. Until the beginning of November we have always had public transportation up to this neighborhood, Ramat Shmuel, and I'm talking about 25 years! Since then, they've reduced it to zero!

The actual distance, by car, from where the bus stops until my house, isn't all that far, less than a mile. But it's all uphill. Most bus travelers to Shiloh live in my neighborhood. Just about, if not all, the families without cars live up here. Most of the elderly are up here. Those who are forbidden--by doctors' orders--to walk such distances are my neighbors in this neighborhood.

According to Jewish Law, when one injures another person, tshuva, repentance is difficult. Public servants are supposed to serve the public.


  1. That’s outrageous!
    All the people finding this untenable should get together and workout a solution.
    Perhaps a private small van (with driver)parked at the bus stop, financed by all the users together?

  2. Yes, outrageous.
    we can't afford the van etc.


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