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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Nu? What's new? and beta not

Where's my present?
Ok, do you have anything for Havel Havelim?
If so, please send to shilohmuse at yahoo dot com or via blog carnival.

I'm waiting for the "grandgirls" to arrive so we'll go to the Olive Festival here in Shiloh. After that I'll be babysitting.

Of course, they were supposed to come a while ago, but I certainly have plenty to do here.

On another matter...
I refuse to beta, and the blogger people are getting real nudgy. I don't see the point of beta-ing. Now it's more complicated to sign in. I'm annoyed.

And another "improvement" I don't like so much is the new bc thing I put on my sidebars. It has an ad, and if I do want ads, I'll put some up myself so I get the profits.

Is it "just me," or do others feel the same way about it all?

That's something to blog about.

If the girls don't come soon, I'll get back to my HH work. Or I'll see the end of the Polanski Oliver Twist, which I began when I had breakfast and folded the laundry.


  1. I switched to Beta, and I'm actually quite pleased with it. Haven't had any problems.

  2. What are the advantages? or differences?

  3. First of all, it was painless. Second, the interface is much more attractive and easier to use. The print is bigger and the options are more logical. After you post, it gives you the option of editing right away. You do need a gmail account, and Firefox asks me to type in my email each time (but once I do the password appears automatically). It lets me put labels at the end of each post, which I like. It's not radically different from the original.

  4. I have the gmail. At this point having just posted KCC and HH due next week, I don't want anything extra. Also, next week back to work of course.


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