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Monday, January 22, 2007

And next month is Adar

We've entered the Jewish month of Shvat, the last month of winter here in Eretz Yisrael. In Shiloh, it's "anniversary month." The Jewish City of Shiloh was re-established in Shvat 29 years ago, thousands of years since its destruction.

This month's general Jewish holiday is TU B'Shvat, known as the Holiday of the Trees.

Next month is Adar, which is a joyous month, because of the Purim Holiday. Yes, Purim is one of those eating holidays, and in places like Shiloh, which were walled and then deserted, we celebrate two days, but that's another story.

One of the mitzvot, commandments, of Purim is to give out food packages, Mishloach Manot, to friends, neighbors, the poor etc. Many people just give lots of candy, but you're really supposed to give food which can be eaten (without any preparation,) and the Festive Meal, or meals as we have here.

That will be the theme for the 15th Kosher Cooking Carnival. Not only recipes and Mishloach Manot ideas, but I'd like any Halachik discussions on the topic, too. Of course, funny stories, anecdotes, cookbook and restaurant reviews, etc and recipes for anything, as long as they're kosher! The deadline will be Saturday night, Israel time, so before Shabbat for those in the Americas, Feb. 17, and I hope, bli neder, to post it by Rosh Chodesh Adar, Feb. 19. Please send them to shilohmuse at yahoo dot com or via blog carnival.

If you see any suitable post, I'd appreciate if you'd send me the link. And if you're interested in hosting a future edition, please let me know.

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