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Sunday, January 21, 2007

Great Day!

Today, after teaching, I went with my good friends, a famous baker and his wife, a former dancing partner of mine, to a small "reunion dinner." There we saw more old friends, including another former dancer.

Before dessert, they reminded me that my bus was soon, so we sped out. Just to be safe, I took a cab to the "trempiada," where I could catch to bus, or a ride. When we got to French Hill, I looked out the window at a bus; it was a 148. I told the driver:

Do you see that bus? That's the one I have to catch!
And I did... by a hair, that close. After giving my "cartisiya," multi-trip ticket to the driver, I got ready to look for a seat, and then I heard:

Weren't you my English teacher?
I took a look and discovered one of my very first students. So we sat together and had a nice talk. He thanked me for the lessons. He loved them, and also told me that my Hebrew had improved greatly since then.

Then I got off in Shiloh, not looking forward to the long walk up the hill. And suddenly I saw a car approaching, a ride home!!

And then once I got home, late as it is, I turned on the computer and saw an email from Elisheva announcing:

The 14th Kosher Cooking Carnival!!!
Great job, Elisheva! Thank you so much!!!!

15 is next, any takers? Please let me know and/or send in your posts, anything kosher, of course. It's more than a recipe carnival. shilohmuse at yahoo dot com or via blog carnival.

and if that weren't enough, like how can you think of dessert after so much food? But when I consider how much we ate last Shabbat...

Here's the 102nd Havel Havelim! Wow! I could never do such a job.

Enjoy the riches!


  1. Anonymous22/1/07 04:48

    What a great day. Everything worked out so well!

  2. Yes, wonderful, thank G-d!


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