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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Let's Carnival and Not Compete!

I don't like the atmosphere I read in the comments here. I really was shocked, since I hadn't seen the nasty posts that had caused Bagel Blogger to bolt. I was too busy enjoying the challenge of hosting the 3rd jpix parts 1 & 2, The Jblog Picture Carnival and forwarding KCC posts to the Baleboosteh. I was enjoying the best of the jblog world, and of course that includes Havel Havelim.

I prefer the jcarnival scene to the jcompetition scene. In the carnivals, everyone's a winner. But in jibs, most are losers, or when you think of the true price, we're all losers.

What's the point of the competition, trying to make one's blog more valuable for advertising and money-making? Or is the the ego trip, one of the things we're warned to avoid in Pirkei Avot? Most probably a combination of the two.

Ploni says that Bagel Blogger's back, and I see that he's working on the blog, but every time I've tried to "visit," it causes my computer to freeze.

As we clean the chametz, the sourness, fermentation out of our homes, let's get the fermenting bitterness out of our jblog world.

Shabbat Shalom U'Mevorach!


  1. I was also wandering what happened.

    I agree, the jcarnival is better

  2. We can ignore jibs. I did that a year ago, and it was great.

  3. Anonymous23/3/07 16:43

    I dont get it, I didnt follow what happened, but just the mere fact that u r upset, upsets me.

  4. Just say, Baruch Hashem to that.

    The bloggers are back.


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