I just got back from babysitting for the grandchildren, that was after teaching. And I discovered that yahoo.mail isn't working, at least not on my computer. So I can't get to the final posts. G-d willing, things will return to "normal" tomorrow, and I'll post "part 2." It sort of reminds me of something that happened at work today. The secretary told me I'd be teaching my 12th grade class. "Karaguil," "As usual," she said. Well, they didn't show, which is "Karaguil" for the first lesson on Sundays. I hope that yahoo behaves better than my students.
As I told The Great Bagel Blogger, I'll do this "my way," since I don't have the computer photo savvy to do it any other way.
I must thank him for all his help!!
Let's see who can match the pictures to the blurbs. Of course, please understand that I couldn't post a picture from every link, just a few! Enjoy!

The Babka Nosher put up some great scenes form the shuk.

And Yitz shows us a great ocean view.

Psycho toddler shows his stuff in lovely costume and some other here.

Temunot means pictures, and these are great, these, too!

Yes, it's poetry, at The Blue Jew Walker.

Cosmic X's pictures of the bridge being built in Jerusalem are probably more beautiful than the bridge will be.

Fred's photo art is fantastic!

There are some unusual scenes on Lazer Beams.

Jacob Da Jew was a Chassidishe Blogger on Purim.

Guess where? from SWFM!

Soccer Dad shows melting ice.

My husband posted an old picture; can you find him?

Two cities on Life in Israel. And here's my (his) son, the popcorn machine.

For a riveting slideshow of Israeli Purim pictures, visit the Orthodox Anarchist.

Tammy as a...., well it was Purim, nu?

More Purim, Haman, by Bagel Blogger.

See Purim in Jerusalem on A Jewish Blog.
Here's Jewish Blogmeister's Purim Leapard!

Take a look at the whole megillah by "shrosin."

Here are some amazing Purim Pictures on Letters of Thought.

And more wonderful Purim Pictures, these batches are on Planet Israel.

Kumah's Purim collection includes the eclipse.

There are some Purim pictures up on the Muqata; strangely one looks very familiar. I'm sure I saw it through the lens.

More Purim preparations and Purim pictures, this time from RaggedyMom.
Here's a unique picture by the Bagel Blogger, who else!?

The Baleboosteh has a new banner! I understand that she also has a new camera, and here are some great new pictures!

Look underneath the City of David with Planet Israel.

Here's a simply gorgeous black and white from a Simple Jew and a peek of a sweet child.

Let's see Las Vegas in Orieyenta's eyes.

When it comes to jpix, ~Sarah's~ a tough act to follow for sure.
Happy whole half birthday to Yakira on Dot Co Dot Il.
Ophir Pines-Paz visits David on kibbutz in the Negev.
Sara with no h posted views which take your breath away. And she also posted some great almond blossoms.
Everything looks so different in late afternoon light. But don't you think that the early morning sky is just the most…?
Yes, there's nothing like focusing in on nature, and I love the way the temporary IBA studio photographed at the book fair.
Jewess reviews a book of photos of Jewish women in the FSU. (hat tip to my husband)
I must thank him for all his help!!
Let's see who can match the pictures to the blurbs. Of course, please understand that I couldn't post a picture from every link, just a few! Enjoy!
The Babka Nosher put up some great scenes form the shuk.
And Yitz shows us a great ocean view.
Psycho toddler shows his stuff in lovely costume and some other here.
Temunot means pictures, and these are great, these, too!
Yes, it's poetry, at The Blue Jew Walker.
Cosmic X's pictures of the bridge being built in Jerusalem are probably more beautiful than the bridge will be.
Fred's photo art is fantastic!
There are some unusual scenes on Lazer Beams.
Jacob Da Jew was a Chassidishe Blogger on Purim.
Guess where? from SWFM!
Soccer Dad shows melting ice.
My husband posted an old picture; can you find him?
Two cities on Life in Israel. And here's my (his) son, the popcorn machine.
For a riveting slideshow of Israeli Purim pictures, visit the Orthodox Anarchist.
Tammy as a...., well it was Purim, nu?
More Purim, Haman, by Bagel Blogger.
See Purim in Jerusalem on A Jewish Blog.
Here's Jewish Blogmeister's Purim Leapard!
Take a look at the whole megillah by "shrosin."
Here are some amazing Purim Pictures on Letters of Thought.
And more wonderful Purim Pictures, these batches are on Planet Israel.
Kumah's Purim collection includes the eclipse.
There are some Purim pictures up on the Muqata; strangely one looks very familiar. I'm sure I saw it through the lens.
More Purim preparations and Purim pictures, this time from RaggedyMom.
Here's a unique picture by the Bagel Blogger, who else!?
The Baleboosteh has a new banner! I understand that she also has a new camera, and here are some great new pictures!
Look underneath the City of David with Planet Israel.
Here's a simply gorgeous black and white from a Simple Jew and a peek of a sweet child.
Let's see Las Vegas in Orieyenta's eyes.
When it comes to jpix, ~Sarah's~ a tough act to follow for sure.
Happy whole half birthday to Yakira on Dot Co Dot Il.
Ophir Pines-Paz visits David on kibbutz in the Negev.
Sara with no h posted views which take your breath away. And she also posted some great almond blossoms.
Everything looks so different in late afternoon light. But don't you think that the early morning sky is just the most…?
Yes, there's nothing like focusing in on nature, and I love the way the temporary IBA studio photographed at the book fair.
Jewess reviews a book of photos of Jewish women in the FSU. (hat tip to my husband)
G-d willing, this will be continued...
For information on the next edition, check with The Great Bagel Blogger. And remember that there are other jblog carnivals. For Havel Havelim, contact Soccer Dad, and for the Kosher Cooking Carnival contact me at shilohmuse at gmail dot com. Please put blurbs on your blogs to spread the good word!
Nice job Batya!
You certainly have put a lot of time and effort into putting it all together! Well done - looking forward to part 2.
Great pictures, Batya. I especially like the pic of Crazydijad with the Hamantaschen ears :)
thank you
thank you
It's all due to the great jpix on jblogs!
a work of art!
Awww thanks for the mention. I'm flattered! I can tell a lot of time and effort was put into this. Bravo!
wowow you are good girlfriend...ok batya tell me where and when we met...and lets meet again for coffee...i'd like that...i love visting your blog
Thanks so much everybody!!
Here's the dessert:
...and Marallyn, I once interviewed with you for a teaching job
email me for a date!
Great job, Batya!
This is fun and excellent. Really enjoyed it.
Wow, three for the price of one, nice job!
great job! very impressive carnival.
is one of the middle pictures (of the colourful ceiling decoration thing) a piece by the glass artist Chihuly?
Hey, thanks for the link to Jewess! It's not so much a review of the book, just a note about the exhibit. Might have a review of the exhibit later this week if we have time, though. Great pics!
Thanks to all of you, there are some really great jpix out there!!
And Sarah, try to find which post it's from. I think there's a little explanation.
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