I used to sell, ok, attempt to sell World Book. The main thrust of our selling spiel was that most of a child's intelligence is formed in the first few years of life. In the illustrations we carried were pictures of infants being shown the encyclopedia.
A while ago I picked up a puzzle with the Hebrew letters for my granddaughters, and yesterday I gave it to them. As you can see, they had great fun doing it and repeating the names of the letters after me. Some of the letters, especially those in her name, the older one already knows. I have to find something like that in English for them.
I bought the English version for my daughter when she was younger. She still plays with it today.
Here from the Carnival of Family Life
That's right, one is never to young to learn something new. I think it is important for children and adults to always be learning.
Here via the carnival of family life.
I asked a daughter visiting the states to buy it in English.
All this blogging etc keeps my mind learning new things.
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