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Sunday, March 11, 2007

Not yet

Yes, I'm still bleary-eyed and slaving away on JPIX #3.

That'll be it for blog carnivals until KCC #17, which will be either during or after Pesach. Are there any guest-hosts out there willing to volunteer? The Baleboosteh is doing the "Sweet 16" one.

Yes, I have a house to clean and get ready. I was never one of those clean and tidy people, which makes Passover readiness such a nightmare. HaRav Aviner of Beit El has put out these "instructions" insisting that it only takes a few hours to get ready. But he takes for granted that the homes aren't filled with unnecessary clutter. There are too many routine cleaning jobs I do once a year instead of every week or at least every month. When I was fly ladying, things were a bit better, since I would periodically walk through the house throwing all sorts of things away. Yes, I know that dirt and dust aren't chametz. But the kitchen also has unnecessary things. And there may be food items in the wrong rooms, though I've always been strict about not eating in bedrooms, etc.
Enough kvetching! Back to work!


  1. as soon as all the crazy and hectic gets less crazy and hectic i will definitely be up for doing another carnival on my blog. until then, i have no time to think!

  2. great, thanks

    Have you sent me a link for jpix?

    Or have I just not yet gotten to it?

  3. Looking forward to hosting the sweet 16 edition Batya!

    Could I just ask that you make sure blog carnival has been updated with my email adderss for this edition so I receive the submissions.



  4. I've sent you everything that came in.
    Put a reminder up on your blog, and I'll do the same.


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