Get Ready for Purim, and
Use up all that Chametz Before Pesach!
The 15th Kosher Cooking Carnival is here to help you!
The Kosher Cooking Carnival comes out monthly and guest-hosts are welcome. Here's the list of the previous KCC's: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14! You can check out what's new and old on Blog Carnival, and you can also add the automatically updated KCC "widget" and/or listing to your own blog.
Since it's now Adar, the month of Purim, it seems only right to start with a post about "hot wine" on laz a fare. And here are some Assorted Baltimore Kosher Tidbits. Both of those were submitted by Soccer Dad, thanks!
No exaggeration, this is the most controversial "cooking" post I've ever done. Maybe the problem is with the picture?
For those traveling to New Zealand, they'll find this guide handy. Thanks again to SD and Not Quite Perfect, who's perfectly fine as far as I can see.
Try Harry and Ziva's Strawberry Ice Cream, illustrated with the most irresistible and delicious pictures!!
Here's a Kashrut alert from Elisheva, a former KCC host. Try her Shabbos Salmon; it looks great! And here's the link to an interesting free online book about keeping kosher in a non-kosher world.
The Rimon Restaurant is a Jerusalem landmark. Part of its success is how it has changed with the times.
This sounds delicious; Presence: Lunch at Cocoaccino's.
Try this yummy chocolate cake from Gillian.
After decades of cooking, I've finally learned how to make perfect rice! It's actually easier than I had thought.
Many people complain that it's hard to find a good kosher restaurant in the Tel Aviv area, but in actuality there are many, and there is a special offer going on right now!
A good friend of ours, Catriel, is more known for his Beit HaMikdash expertise, but he's also an inventive cook:
One of the favourites in our house is "Catriel's Kugelburger".Not all Jewish Holiday eating is unhealthy. Read what Reb Chaim HaQoton says about TU B'Shvat.
Ingredients: One kilo of ground turkey meat
One large onion, or two medium (Don't skimp! Onions add taste!)
About one third of a cauliflower.
Two potatoes,
Three carrots,
Four eggs
Matza meal
I begin by boiling water and defrosting the ground turkey meat. In the meantime, I chop up the onion into very small pieces. (That's right. I use my mother's old resharpened chopper and her old chopping bowl. A food processor is simply not as good). Then I chop up the cauliflower into tiny pieces and put the pieces into a container with boiling water to soak for ten minutes. I grate the potatoes and carrots and chop the up meat. Then I mix the meat, the chopped onions, the chopped cauliflower (after draining the water), the grated potatoes, carrots and add four eggs, matza meal and salt to taste. That done, I mix everything again. Then I put the mixture in a baking pan. Don't forget to use Niyar Afiyah!)
Then I rub oil into the top so the Kugelburger will develop a golden brown crisp crust. Roughly 3 and a quarter hours and a 180 degree oven will finish the job. It's an excellent Erev Shabbat meal and great for company. Try to coordinate your labours so the Kugelburger is completely finished a few minutes before Hadlakat Neirot. Serve with vegetables and apple sauce.
Enjoy! It's very good and I highly recommend it.
Mordechai packs one great lunch! Read all about it!
Soup is good all year long; try A Bisele Babka's Butternut Squash Soup.
Trust Bookworm to find a way to make a chicken soup everyone will like, those who like it clear, those who like some of the cooked food and those who like it all.
Here's a way to add extra flavor without salt.
If you're looking for a great dairy dessert try Baleboosteh's Mouth-watering Mousse.
But if beef is your desire, try Elisson's recipe.
The Kosher Blog tells of a pizza like no other.
Marallyn tells us how to make marmalade.
Here's a bissel on coffee from Modern Uberdox.
Yes, that's it for this month. If I left anyone out, please write to me and I'll include you in next month's edition. If you'd like to host the KCC, please let me know. And of course, send your kosher food links and any you find to shilohmuse at yahoo dot com or via blog carnival, since this carnival is based primarily on submitted contributions, not searches. And please don't forget to remind your readers to visit and try out the recipes.
Pass and publicize the link!
great job as always.
chodesh tov :)
Thanks Sarah, maybe you want to host again sometime...
Great recipes . . . I'm glad to see that you've picked up on my post as well!
I was sent a message by a better reader than myself that the beef recipe has butter. Actually, the side dish does. Elisson didn't submit it; I found it myself and didn't notice. Sorry. For kashrut of course, don't serve the two at the same meal.
Excellent job Batya, well done!
Thanks for the link too!
I made some beautiful Mandelbrot the other day, I will have to submit the recipe for the next KCC.
Mottel and B'
thanks so much!
Thanks Batya, As always a supreme job.
Visit: Bagelblogger
thanks so much bb!
Your support is crucial!
I appreciate all your help.
Great links!! Thanks!
certainly couldn't have done it alone
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