Sunday, February 18, 2007


I didn't read the newspaper this past Shabbat. Not for any change in principle, just a pragmatic reason. There was a foul-up in deliveries, and there weren't any Jerusalem Posts in our local grocery shop. I only read the paper once a week and supplement on the internet. We asked our married daughter to try to get us one in Ofra, but after grabbing a Post and rushing to the check-out, our son-in-law suddenly noticed that it was the French edition.

Will I survive? Of course!

ps There are lots of Hebrew-language newspapers here in the house, but I don't read them.
pps Luckily I discovered a book to read, so in the rare time I had for reading, I wasn't bored. This week, I probably would have had trouble finishing the paper. The next generation kept us very busy, Baruch Hashem!

Shavua Tov and Chodesh Tov

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