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Thursday, May 17, 2007

How do you wait?

Or maybe I should ask,
What do you do when you're waiting?

I sometimes take pictures, like here and here.

For the past couple of years, I've been crocheting hats. They don't take up too much space in my bag, and I can work on them any place. Here I'm wearing one of the new ones I made for myself. I also crochet at work, when the kids are taking tests. I can keep scanning the room to check for cheaters and other problems simultaneously. There's also nothing better than crocheting during staff meetings and all sorts of lectures.

I used to do needlepoint, but my walls are full, and you can't take scissors on airplanes.

Sometimes I say T'hillim (Psalms,) since I'm part of two groups who share out the entire 150.

I no longer carry around a book to read. They're heavy and demand too much concentration, which crocheting, at least my kind, doesn't.


  1. i love this post...love it...ok...i knit...well i have stopped since i made the 150 baby sweaters and can't seem to knit seriously any more...and i make fancy tapestries...i used to crochet kippas...i'm making my grandson a tallis zekkel now even though he is only four...by the time he is bar mitzvah who can promise i will be able to see the holes lolol...i always carry a book around...and a notebook for writing ideas for my new book...idle time is wasted time...what a great blog...tx


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