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Thursday, May 31, 2007

old-fashioned, practical

Last night I slept with cabbage leaves wrapped on my knee. Also, when I was in Jerusalem, I took the bus from downtown to the Central Bus Station, instead of walking the kilometer plus. I had already walked all around. I think I made a mistake on Monday when I took the steps rather than the elevator in all sorts of buildings. G-d willing, I'll defeat this "annoyance," like I did my shoulder problem and other aches and pains.

I'm a firm believer that "common sense" and knowing one's "needs" is the best way to stay strong and healthy. It's not like I never go to doctors, but we can prevent so many problems if only we'd pay attention to the signals our body sends us. I'm very fussy about the shoes I wear. I have to feel good in them, and I don't wear "heels;" though ever since I had trouble with my right heel, I need slightly raised ones.

The body changes. Luckily I found a store that stocks "Moran" shoes, so I was able to get a pair of "dress shoes" suitable for Shabbat and summer, and good in winter, too. My seat in shul (synagogue) has a disadvantage, as much as I love it. A biting draft hits my feet. I keep two shawls in my box which can protect the rest of my body, but my feet suffer, especially in sandals. Stockings don't keep them warm. Now I should be more comfortable.

In the kitchen, I work seated. I started that many years ago when I used to cook for the day care center. All of my peeling, cutting, chopping etc are done comfortably from a chair. That way I don't have to bend, and I'm not on my feet.

Today I must call the manager of the pool to sign up for the summer. Taking a membership will encourage me to go more, which is good for my health. G-d willing.

That's it for now. Must cook for Shabbat, go to work and then there's a funeral here. An elderly woman passed away. Her daughter and family live here. She was brought from the states, since she couldn't be on her own. Since then a grandson got married, lives with his wife and now two kids in Shiloh. They were one of our four-generation clans.
Baruch Dayan Emet
HaMakom Y'Nachem....


  1. Hi, me-ander.
    I have never "blogged", so don't know whether this will reach you. I own one pair of Moran shoes that I got in the U.S., but the store no longer carries them. Can you tell me the location of the store where you found yours (hopefully in Jerusalem)? I have trouble finding comfortable shoes.

  2. lynda, Moran shoes are for sale in Jerusalem. I've seen them on Jaffa St. and in Geula.


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