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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Silence? More bloggers are reducing blogging frequency.

I probably blog too much, but I don't have kids living at home. The nest is empty.

Nuch just posted "Silence Is Golden" .

and Baleboosteh Priorities. She hasn't stopped blogging and will post the next Kosher Cooking Carnival, G-d willing.

A lot of the bloggers I used to visit no longer blog at all, like Mirty. I think she went for a new identity.

A blog/site which used to post my articles closed down completely, Yesha Speaks Out which was one of the best pro-YESHA/Israel sites ever.

Sometimes I wonder if I should clean all the inactive blogs from my blogroll... but I just can't. L'havdil, to differentiate, it's almost like taking down the pictures of dead relatives.


  1. Anonymous30/5/07 21:09

    hey, thanks so much
    cleaning out is tough
    i hope to post occasionally, so it takes away less of my time, but can still enjoyable to myself and to the reders
    I did take seriously the pleas of my aid readers to continue with inspirational articles...

  2. and I hope you'll still visit my blog....

  3. Isn't that a crazy thing?! I know what you mean! Thankfully, most who disappeared have come back with new blogs or identities but I still miss the old ones and those who didn't come back.


  4. You don't blog too much! I love your blog and look forward to each and every post - don't slow down!

    I actually went through my blogroll recently and cleaned it out of blogs that no longer blog, it can be a tough job in some cases.

  5. Holly, Baleboosteh, thanks

    I do see that there are's a better percentage of hits from people who come directly to the blog instead of via google. that's encouraging.

    So far, the only silent blogs I've deleted from my blogroll has been when the address was highjacked by porn and things like that. If the old posts are up, I leave them.

  6. Muse
    I'm still posting 4-5 times a day....Keep it up its important !


  7. yid, between my two blogs, I'm also posting at least 4 times. But now, if I really don't have anything to say, I don't feel like I should stam blog, just to say hi.

  8. Anonymous4/10/08 11:48

    New Yesha Website and blog for those interested:


    Only a few months old!!!


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