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Thursday, October 04, 2007

dreaming of laundry

I haven't done any laundry for a full week plus. It's part of the "holiday restrictions" during the Succot holiday, according to Jewish Law. When my children were little and when the boys were in the army, I did launder on the "intermediate days."

This year I had no reason to do the wash so I didn't.

But I definitely need to wash a few things before Shabbat. How do Orthodox Jews abroad manage. They are still celebrating the Holiday, and they can't do any laundry until Saturday night. They have had three three-day Holiday restrictive weekends in just over three weeks.

Life's sure easier here!


  1. Anonymous7/10/07 05:52

    We buy more clothing :)

    Part of the reason I wasn't quite as "into" the chag this year was due to my having seen how it should really be celebrated- in Israel! One day of Yom Tov! None of this three day madness!

    Only in Israel do you hear people say, "I wish Yom Tov was longer." I can't imagine anyone in America ever saying that after one of the Shalosh Regalim.

  2. G-d willing, you'll soon be back!

    Here the chaggim are national holidays!


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