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Friday, October 05, 2007

Proud of my wrinkles and my maternal bulges

There's no way I would undergo surgery to excise the physical manifestations of life's milestones. In simpler terms, I'm not interested in face-lifts, breast-lifts, tummy-tucks nor any other procedure or operation to mask the true me.

I have given birth to five children and nursed them all until they were ready to eat "real food." I'm a grandmother. I'm old enough to get some "senior discounts," but not all. I've had my stress and worries over the years. I may look a bit young for my age, but people do get up in buses to give me their seat. Sticking to strict diet regimes is too stressful.
Yes, that's me, all of me.
I think that it's healthier to make peace with what and who you are than to undergo surgery or any other extreme procedure or restrictive regime.


  1. Anonymous5/10/07 16:20

    There is something in between surgery and resigning yourself to bulging. But you do look good in the picture!

    Shabbat shalom!

  2. risa, of course, there's walking and swimming and I'll try curves and trying to eat healthy etc...

    but surgery isn't on my menu

    ps thanks

  3. Anonymous7/10/07 00:50

    I love us just the way we are.

  4. Anonymous7/10/07 05:51

    Don't worry, you look great! It's good that you have such a reasonable approach to an important aspect of your life.

  5. vicki, being happy is a thing of beauty

    t, thanks!

  6. Anonymous8/10/07 17:18

    my god woman. go on a diet!

  7. One of those things it's so easy to tell others to do.

  8. Hazak Batya. You should be extremely proud of your life's accomplishments.
    Forget about all the trendy schmonses; always represent yourself by the worth you possess. Kol HaKavod lady!

  9. Thanks so much schvach!

    after a tough day at work...


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