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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Dishes Await

I think I used that title before, even sort of singing to it. Here it is!

This is nuts. All I planned on writing is that I'm signing out and going into the kitchen to do the dishes and then pack what I need for tomorrow and put a wash in the machine and change the alarm time on my cellphone. I'm wasting time!



  1. Glad to see I'm not the only one who sings about housekeeping. I've got one in my head regarding laundry... "Clean Sheets" sung to "Gleen Sleeves".

  2. Pesky, I used to sing "tremping in the rain"
    . Then this year, I just can't sing about it. It's too stressful and depressing.

  3. Anonymous9/3/08 06:01

    Dishes can causes lots of arguments.Remember violence rears its ugly head in our conversations as well as through our actions. We can inflict it on people or property. I write in my post today about how I often have violent feelings when I've had a hard day and get no cooperation. That's at peoplepowergranny.blogspot.com. Vote in my poll on how you handle those violent feelings we all get occasionally.

  4. granny, considering that a teenaged neighbor was just murdered, I can't get hung up about dishes and laundry.
    It's a matter of priorities. I trust that's what we'll find on your post. If you don't have the strength to wash the dishes, don't throw them, just use disposables!


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