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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Not Only The Dishes

I can't remember the last time my yahoo didn't show "unread mail." The sink's empty, but my mailbox is still stuffed. I'm constantly deleting w/o reading all those forwarded missives in triplicate and more. And SPAM is rooted out best I can.

My fear is that I've lost something really important, or that by the time I read a letter, it's very out of date and I missed out or offended someone.

I've been kvetching a lot recently. Sorry.

Now to put another load of wash in the machine, and the sun has barely risen.


  1. Here's an idea that works for me. I give my Yahoo address to business and to our local Yahoo group. But I save giving out my other email address to good friends and business clients. So if I don't check the Yahoo mail for a few days, it's no big deal. And all I get in my main mail is important stuff, little spam.

    If you can deal with two email addresses, you can try setting up the "exclusive" email in Gmail.

  2. Thanks, Leora, it's similar to what I do, but so many people send me all sorts of "fowarded" mail. I get over a hundred on yahoo each day. Just sorting through the spam and the good stuff and the important things and the duplicates and the...


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