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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

It's That Time Of The Year, Again

I have to get my tickets to visit NY. I never really like it. I don't enjoy the agent I've been using. He's like some sort of mystery voice on the phone. I don't know him, don't see him, and he works crazy hours, not my morning type of person. He doesn't even answer emails. I think I'll try a different agent. I get all stressed out just thinking about it. The two years I came home with Nefesh B'Nefesh were great fun. Their agent was nice and the price was reduced, since they covered half or so.

I also don't like making plans too far in advance, and for me, March is too early for late June.

And once I get the tickets, I always think I'm not really ready...


  1. Anonymous12/3/08 00:11

    When do you think you'll be here?

  2. Anonymous12/3/08 04:48

    how do you get a travel agent thru nbn if you did not make aliya thru them? do they have a regular travel agent service?

  3. t, I'll email you, bli neder
    and probably, I'll post about it to get speaking dates if possible.

    a, I returned to Israel with NBN as a journalist, so their Jerusalem agent booked my to NY ticket.

  4. NBN paid for your ticket? Cool. I also need a new travel agent. At least I decided which kids are coming.

  5. mii, yes, I had to prove in advance that a number of publications would carry my articles about them, so nbn, treated me like an honored journalist. OK, the biggies got more perks, but it really was a thrill and honor.

    re: agents, best discuss via email.


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