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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

On A Day Like Today,

I really felt that there was nothing to do at work than show the kids a movie. I only had two hours, meaning 90 minutes, with the 10th grade. Many, if not all, knew at least one of the boys who were murdered Thursday night. And half the class was on a field trip.

So, how was I supposed to teach them? Their powers of concentration are fragile to begin with.

On one hand the "bosses" said that they understood that I'd be wasting my time trying to give a "real lesson," but on the other hand, they reminded me that I wouldn't be paid unless I did something with the darlings. So, I reserved the Video Room.

I brought in a Star Wars DVD and a video of a two part CSI. As I was getting the kids and movie started, another teacher asked if he could bring his students in, too. I agreed on the condition that "They behave!" I thought I made that clear. Within a couple of minutes I saw one of the other kids moving a small suspicious-looking "soft aluminum bag" to another one of the other class. Before I could react... STAMP! He stamped his food down hard on the bag, and the stink bomb exploded. I did, too.

The other teacher seemed rather startled and couldn't quite understand why I threw him and his darlings out. My students aired out the room, and...

We started with the DVD, but after a while, the boys asked if they could switch to CSI. I agreed; why not? They were totally absorbed in the action and watched to the end, making them late for the next class. Usually I'm the one who finds kids walking in late.

Before leaving, I asked the secretary to reserve the room for me tomorrow, too, so I can show the program to my 11th grade class.


  1. Anonymous12/3/08 04:32

    That sounds like my high school teaching days. Teachers with no structure and kids pushing the envelope. I use to have down days where I'd *suggest* a movie. Kids and teachers need days to just relax and forget about their woes.

  2. The pre-Purim madness also has its negative effect on things. But generally, once some of the kids havea field trip the remainders won't work, but they want their attendence credit.
    By bringing something they liked, it makes things better between us.

  3. We love CSI! Which episode?

  4. It's the 2 part Los Vegas one, with Nick Stokes kidnapped. The 11th grad loved it, too.
    I only watch CSI and Law & Order.


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