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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Only Seven Cakes

Today I baked seven cakes, including a large round one for next week. It's my daughter's birthday and they'll be coming over.

I haven't baked for a long time. I found a kilo (2.2 lbs) of flour in the freezer. I first mixed my banana cake, with brown chocolate chips and made 3 loaf size cakes and the round one. Then I made a plain cake with white chocolate chips.

I also made a vegetable soup, sans kneidelach. The matzah meal didn't look right. There's still too much food in the freezer. I'll use what I can on Shabbat and during the week etc.

This is all for Purim. The advantage of cooking like this on a fast day is no "tasting."


  1. Industrious! I did my shopping, but I'm browsing the web and answering emails instead of cooking. Of course, it's evening in Israel by now.

    Totally off topic, in your shul, for Parshat Zachor, does someone lein in Sephardi trop? In Etz Ahaim, just for Parshat Zachor, we have Sephardi, Ashkenazi and Yemenite leining. I'm curious if this is done elsewhere.

  2. "Industrious" may be stretching it a bit. I spent most of the day on the couch. I'm back from Megillah. I went to a neighbor. Their son reads; he survived cancer.

    In our shul on Shabbat Zachor we hear all sorts of "accents." I love it.

  3. Will have to try your plain cake recipe. Thanks to linking to past posts.

  4. It's an easy cake. Let me know how you manage. I started using oil instead of margarine after we were in England and the margarine there made awful cakes.

    Did you open all the links?


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