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Sunday, August 03, 2008

A Badge To Remind You

I was given a sidebar badge to signify that I'm planning on attending the First International JBloggers Convention. Nefesh B'Nefesh is hosting.

Now wouldn't it be nice if the jbloggers were making aliyah, rather than just being flown over for the event?


  1. Not all of us are "b'inyanim" and would love some details. When, where, and - curioser and curioser - how are they protecting their anonymity?



  2. Not a secret. Click the link about the meeting, and sign up. Yes, please sign up. It's a joint venture of NBN and webads. You can also sign up with webads by clicking on the ads on my blog. I don't get much money from it and donate what I do get to our Beit Knesset.


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