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Sunday, August 03, 2008

Little Frumhouse and a Great Big HH

Take a gander at the gevaldik Havel Havelim on the Prairie, by Little Frumhouse.

It's a feast for the eyes and mind. Almost too much fun for the Nine Days, but what else can we do during the Nine Days? We can't swim and we shouldn't do the laundry. Reading all the posts in this Havel Havelim is certainly permitted even by the strictest interpretation of the Law.

Thanks for doing such a great job!!

PS Don't forget the Kosher Cooking Carnival!
Next month's host is Leora of Here in HP.

KCC is more than just a recipe collection. It includes posts about all aspects of kosher food and kosher cooking. The Kosher Cooking Carnival is primarily dependent on bloggers who send posts via the carnival submission form. The hosts certainly may do their own searching, too, but it's not required. And if you see a post which would be good for KCC, please send the link, too.

If you'd like to host a KCC, please let me know. To reserve your month, please write to me at: shilohmuse at yahoo dot com

Shavua Tov!!
Have a great week, at least as great as we're allowed to have. Drink lots of water to be fully hydrated before the fast of the 9th of Av.


  1. Thanks for the plug! :)

  2. It's going to be a long Kosher Cooking Carnival. Lots of posts already.

  3. frumhouse, you deserve a big applause

    leora, how exciting. Can't wait.


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