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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Check the Floors

A couple of my daughters, my grandson and I went out for dinner in Jerusalem. We went to "Dulce Latte," if I got the name straight, on Jaffa Road, near Zion Square. We'd all been there before, and it was OK then, but...

pretty as it was, there were some unpleasant surprises.
We looked for a place to sit with one of their upholstered seats, so the baby could play, and we found one. They even turned down the music, since he was sleeping. Then after we ordered, my daughter looked down and saw pieces of glass all over the floor. We asked them to clean up. They did, sort of, so we asked them again and then again.
At least the staff was polite and cooperative about it.
I asked for olive oil for my salad-- no olive oil, so I specifically requested some sort of non-mayonnaise dressing, and they said OK.
Then the food came. I had ordered quiche, but it was a strange-looking "quiche." It looked like the thickest pizza ever. I didn't order pizza, and I didn't want a meal of dough. I took one small bite and could barely chew it. dd#1 went over to the waitress and whispered something. The waitress came over and asked what would I like instead. I ordered a tuna salad. No dough. It took so long to assemble, I think they went to the supermarket to buy a few more cans. Yes, a few. It was big. Not even I could finish it.
Back to my dd's. They ordered ravioli and a whole fish, two main courses to share. The ravioli was finished in a second, with the help of my grandson. In the middle of eating the fish, they called over the waitress and requested that it be cooked better. It tasted too raw. Yuch! I hope they don't get sick from it. When it returned, they finished it and were still a bit hungry, so I gave them my tuna salad. There was still enough tuna left to have packed up. I gave it to my husband the next day to take to work and make a sandwich of it.
We didn't have dessert. None of us wanted the extra calories, and as is, we needed a cab to catch the 8pm bus home.


  1. Oh, dear. When fish is not cooked well-enough, that is not pleasant at all. And your quiche sounded, well, hmmm. Not too memorable a place, huh?

  2. true, but the tuna salad was enough for two...

  3. Anonymous26/9/08 08:45

    I remember that restaurant! Interesting decor and layout. I believe they had an enclosed eating area that looked out onto one of the side streets off the midrachov.

  4. different ownership now
    opens in the back to the rimon and big deal.


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