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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Today's The Day

Yes, today's the First International JBloggers Convention!

After all the hypes and gripes, in a few hours we'll see if this is the first or only...

I printed up the sign-ups for hosting jpix and the Kosher Cooking Carnival. Now, to remember to pack them.

Please remember to send in your links and volunteer to host.

And if you're at the convention, please say hello!


  1. Have fun! I'm logged in online watching the set up!

  2. Anonymous20/8/08 20:12

    Mazal tov on the waffle maker!
    I saw it online (also your comment to the panel). "Cool"!

  3. frum, sara g,
    I can't believe it. You really saw it, or parts?

    Now we have to tovel the part of the waffle maker which you take out, and then not great for the diet waffles.

    Did you hear people clap when I mentioned KCC. I got a few bloggers signed up to host it, but no success with JPIX. I think people have to see it.


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