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Sunday, August 10, 2008

JPIX-- The Return!

Veteran JBloggers remember JPIX-The Jewish Photoblog Carnival very fondly.

Little Frumhouse has decided to "resurrect it."

For a little jblogging history, I'm the one who gave bagelblogger the idea in some comment to a post, and before I knew it, he took off with it, and for a few months we had a great new jblog carnival. I even hosted at least one.

G-d willing, on Rosh Chodesh Ellul, the 1st of September, JPIX will return! Send your jblog picture posts to 18th Chai- JPIX Lives! Anyone who would like a turn hosting can contact jpixcarnival@gmail.com.


  1. Jpix Chai! I love it! Thanks for the background post and your coorganizer/hosting efforts! I'll probably have to do some searching on my own for this first edition, but hopefully when you host the next one, things will be up to speed and we will have enough submissions to follow Mr. Bagel's/Baleboosteh's old rules of only including those sent through the submission form.

  2. With just a bit of publicity, the posts should roll in...


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