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Sunday, August 10, 2008

KCC Soon

This week should be the much awaited Kosher Cooking Carnival hosted by Here in HP.

We're looking for more hosts. September is available, so if you're interested, please let me know, so leora can mention it in the upcoming edition.
Why am I blogging about food with a good few hours left to fast? I can't imagine cooking. It's too hot. What will we eat when the fast is finally over?
First I'll go to our annual shiur across the street, and then, G-d willing, I'll be able to focus on the kitchen. The kitchen is a mess and full of stuff. I tried to be organized as Shabbat was ending, but my daughter is here with the grandkids...


  1. What is it and What does it mean to host it?

    (please email me with the answers: coffeeandchemo@gmail.com)

  2. Hope your fast is going well. My kitchen is a mess, too. I shouldn't have read about how one is not supposed to wash dishes on Tisha B'Av.

    I'll do December. This is fun, hosting the Kosher Cooking Carnival!

  3. rivkA, KCC is the monthly Jblog kosher food carnival. It's "easy" since the posts arrive; you don't have to search. I have the entire list on my sidebar. Here's a post with hosting advice.


    leora, that's great news!!! I'm glad you're having fun.

    I used some disposables for seudat shlishit, but with the grandkids, the sink just filled with pots and... Now that the fast is almost over, I washed almost all... but not the flooor.

  4. Anonymous11/8/08 09:40

    I'll have to wait until the school year resumes if I can find some time for kcc but I'll try to host it one month.

  5. wonderful
    I can understand that about waiting to see how the year goes. It's the third week of the month, or whenever the host wants.


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