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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Day 1 To Starting Fresh

Today's Start Fresh diet I chose last night looks better than I had remembered. I wanted to print it out, but I couldn't get it into the right format. So I'll just save it in word.

The customer support is great and has answered some of my questions, like what's the "tsfatit" cheese equivalent etc. I didn't really notice it then, but week number one is sans carbs. It's a good thing I bought myself extra squash in Machane Yehuda market.

Bad me, I had my usual coffee with sugar and milk. I know that the sugar is forbidden, but... G-d willing I'll get to that. There's a little box on the page, once you're signed in asking how much water you drank and how you feel. I think it should also have a box to check about exercising.

Since I'm blogging about it, I feel like I'm working at this new profession I heard of where you "check out" computer programs. My neighbor is taking a course in it. In a sense, that's what I'm doing in this diet site. I can't follow something unless I can "tweak" it. I hate taking orders.

Time to leave the computer and start the day. That's why I wanted a print out of the diet.


  1. Good luck!

  2. Thanks
    It's going to be hard, since I'm awful at following instructions.


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